So I've been idle for more than a week, I guess... But I have a perfect excuse >.< Quite a long story and I'll tell it all, you just have to sit back, take your snack, put on some music and read~
Let's start... It dates back to Tuesday 2 weeks ago. After lunch I had stomach pain. I thought it was
the time so I kinda ignored it and waited until I could go home 2 hours later. When I got home I immediately took some paracetamol, hoping the pain would go away... but it didn't. So my mum heated a bag with cherry seeds, don't know the purpose of the cherry seeds, but at least the bag was warm and it made the pain go away. When it was time to go to bed I went to bed (of course) and tried to sleep. My mum told me that if it started hurting more I should tell her, and I should take 2 paracetamol instead of 1. So I tried to sleep, in the end I stayed up for another 2 hours just because it still hurt, time for 2 paracetamol. Pain went away and I could finally get some sleep.
The next morning I felt quite good and figured I could still go to school. So I just went to school and all, but after some hours (and after PE lesson) I did feel quite miserable. Motivated as I was because we only had half a day of school I stayed at school, hoping it would be a bit better later. The minute I came home I went to sleep on the couch. I slept until I had piano lessons and after that I lay down on my bed. After a while I took another 2 paracetamol. Pain went away and I figured I could eat something (I skipped lunch), eating something did feel good, because I love eating :3. So the evening was quite peaceful, I just felt tired because I only slept for 4 or 5 hours. I went to bed quite on time and before I took another 2 paracetamol, just in case.
But now the most important part comes. It was 4:16 and suddenly I was wide awake. My stomach
really hurt and I couldn't sleep. Walking hurt, getting up hurt, basically everything. I went to my parents' bed room and my mother gave me more paracetamol. I didn't feel any better and after 2 hours we called, (family doctor post? Don't know what it's called in English) but anyway, it was a doctor and his receptionist said we could come over. So we headed over there. As unlucky as I already was, the doctor just had to go out to another patient with heart problems (they have a higher priority) so we had to wait...
Don't know how many minutes later the doctor came to get us. And he started examining me. He got the impression it was appendicitis. So he re-directed me to the first-aid post. There they ran some more tests, taking blood samples and so on... Unlucky me, they had to stick a needle in me twice because the first time my blood didn't come out =-=. And then we had to wait again... So much waiting. Another doctor ran some other tests on me. And after one and a half hour the blood test results came in. From the blood they could already see that there was some inflammation in my body. And then they had to do an ultra-sound. After a while they told the results of the ultra-sound and they came to a conclusion I really had appendicitis, and next to an inflamed appendix, my appendix also burst (?) and there was fluid in my stomach which shouldn't be there. So I had to be operated. I did feel it coming, but still, this was like a confirmation.
So I already got my first bag of antibiotics before the operation. I had to completely undress and put on a special "OR-coat" felt kinda uncomfortable at first, but yeah... I think I got operated at 11.00 or 12.00... don't know the exact time. I do know that the operation lasted for about one and a half hour. A bit longer than normally because they had to clean lots of fluid in my stomach.
And after a while I just woke up. At first I thought I would dream or something. But it was just black. You don't have a feeling of time. It's actually kinda weird when you think about it. First thing I noticed was, THIRST. I was so thirsty, probably because of the oxygen mask. And I needed to cough... but the last thing I wanted to do was coughing 'cause that would freaking hurt! I don't know how long I was lying in the room, but after a while they told me my dad was outside and they brought me to my room.
That's kinda the end of the story... The reason for my idleness. It's vacation now so I do want to try and catch up with the blogging again. Because even after I got out of hospital (which was last week Sunday) I didn't immediately blog. And neither did I in the past week, when I was at home because I couldn't go to school yet. But now I'm BACK! Hopefully...
I do feel like I've missed many things at school... and after vacation I have to catch up with 4 tests, I think O.O So much... Kinda depressing.
But anyway, I'm almost myself again. Now I just have to wait until the wound heals, hoping the scars aren't that big. Gotta start exercising again... though I can't train my abs yet >.<
Getting off-topic now,,, but I just need to share this:
I'm amazed by this... I think it's awesome when you put so much emotion in a song, you actually start crying. That's just... amazing...