Yes, I felt like doing this again. It's just something that was on my mind.
Yesterday night, I couldn't sleep... I was thinking about things and I felt kinda depressed. Thinking about sad things, I suddenly felt like crying.
We human beings are living on this world... Slowly
"destroying" it. <--- this wasn't actually what I was thinking about.
But, yesterday night I started thinking about this: A girl, in my primary school, who died very young. (OK, this is not very interesting for you guys I think... but yeah... A bit of a side story and there'll be a conclusion in the end ;)
So this girl was very young, and I remembered the day her sister told the whole class, that her baby-sister had cancer. In the beginning everyone was quite positive, and at that time I didn't even realize that much about those things. But who knew months later, or years. She actually died, when she was only 4-years old. It made me quite sad thinking about it. Kinda "torturing" myself, because I think it's stupid that I worry about the smallest details. I shouldn't, I can live.
I didn't even personally know the girl, I didn't even talk to her. Yet at her ceremony I cried :'( really hard and yesterday again, I felt like crying, thinking back at that ceremony where many kids were crying, because of her, and they didn't even know her, just like me.
Thinking about those things I made a decision. If I ever had a wish, I wouldn't use it for myself. If I ever get the chance to make a wish it'll be this:
"I wish there would be a cure to cancer." (and I mean all, because some are already curable) since this one seemed a bit realistic, instead of: "I wish there were no diseases." I think, that just doesn't exist, unfortunately. Yeah, it's something which I decided, something non-selfish.
This could be one of the reasons I want to study medicines, to be able to help people. I can't bear to see people in pain, it makes me cry... Of course there's no ideal world, where there's no pain, no hatred. We gotta live with that.
To make this post, not that sad (I don't want to ruin your days ;)) I need some advice. Should I make videos? I'm not really a pro in those kind of things... and I hate my voice (or maybe I should talk with a higher voice, it could sound less crappy? ;_;) and I have an accent. Yes, I'm not a native speaker, I won't say my English is that bad, otherwise I couldn't be writing posts in English. But I do think I have quite a bad accent >.< at school they don't say a thing about it (I don't mean to brag, but they say my pronunciation is quite good Ö) but yeah, I'm quite the perfectionist y'know.
To end this post, making a "conclusion": will you wish/pray together with me? Wish for a cure for that awful disease.
Actually now I've written down all these things, I'm already doubting my "wishes" but yeah, let's just make it my belief, if I use the correct words.
WebCam pic (>-<) |
I wish y'all a nice day! Don't let things get you down and be happy.
PS. If this by accident looks like something some other blogger/youtuber has written/done. It's pure coincidence. I'm smart enough to know I shouldn't be copying: You can't be successful unless you're original. If my blog is the same like "others" people would be like: "Ah, another one of those ...?"