Monday 26 December 2011

Merry Christmas (belated one)

So it's been a long time again *sigh* believe me I do have things I want to blog about. There are things in my head, but me being as stupid as I am have problems with getting it on the paper (err, in this case typing it out)

But I just wanted to say:
メリークリスマス! Merry Christmas! Even though it is a bit late :$ Forgive me please. Hope you all had a nice Christmas with all your loved ones, and ate amazingly delicious food and stuffed your face till you couldn't eat anymore. At least I did so =) >_<"

If I had a nice picture I could post I would to make give this post a more Christmas feeling, but I don't so, forgive me again >_<"

Instead I will post a cute picture of my bunny. She's so hen ke ai <3 Love her to death


Okay ah, I lied, I still have an ugly picture of myself I'm going to post. I did photoshop though, the lighting and I put on eyelashes lol omg, looks fake right? Bad quality makes face less ugly xd.


Anyway, I have a Christmas break right now. So I have lotsa time to blog hopefully! I have reviews and hauls and outfit posts.

Also I received an old "new" camera from my uncle. He doesn't use it anymore so I was allowed to use it now =) So I don't have to steal daddy's camera anymore, but still make good quality pictures. Though I still have to experiment a bit with all the functions, but I think it's going to be okay ah!

Wednesday, hopefully the PS3 will arrive at our home and I can finally GAME! OK, I shouldn't game to much and neglect blogging but yeah... I don't know how excited I will be about everything. We shall see.

This post was more rambling, hopefully I'll have other (more interesting) post up soon ^^!

xoxo Sushi Ninja Kitty

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