My resolution was to not buy anything in Scandinavia (also because it would be expensive) BUT I couldn't resist sale items and the jacket I bought was necessary so... scold me afterwards
Our first stop was in Germany: Bremen. There was a Primark in Bremen but daddy didn't want to go because it was so far away =(
There was a Tally Weijl in Bremen and there was sale so we took a look around. And I found these 3 t-shirts for a bargain. Seriously it was super cheap.
This strawberry t-shirt was super cheap! Only €3,- At first I didn't want to buy anymore t-shirts because I already have a lot (well, at least I call it a lot) But my sister practically convinced me to get it, and it was only €3,- anyway so why not?
This was the 2nd t-shirt I picked out. €3,- or €5,- either way, a bargain. The bunny is so cute, and I can actually wear this as a t-shirt dress since it's this long on me.
On top of the already reduced items. There was also a buy 3 get 1 for free (the cheapest will be free) And since I already had 3 t-shirts, why not buy a 3rd one, which will be FREE (Yay I love free stuff!) This was either €3,- or €5,- (I remember 2 t-shirts were €3,- and one was €5,- but I don't remember which, only sure that the strawberry one is €3,-) The mouse is cute right?
Then we walked to the H&M because we saw there was sale over there as well ^^. And then I bought this cropped t-shirt.
I saw this t-shirt in another H&M in Holland but it was still for normal price, and I thought it was a bit too pricey for what you get, and it wasn't like I really, really wanted this cropped t-shirt. But now it was only €5,- which was: bargain, score!
Figured I had bought enough that day and tried to stop myself from buying more stuff. In the evening we ate delicious Thai food at Pochana. It was delicious. absolutely lovely! We ordered the Masaman curry (since we didn't know what it was) Green curry and Yellow curry. All three were delish! Nom nom. The wait was kinda long but it was worth it. And the toilets were super clean! They had a self-changing toilet seat cover O_O like super clean! Felt super bloated afterwards, but happy that I'd eaten some real good Thai food.
The next day we went to Lübeck and I didn't buy anything! *proud* And after Lübeck we stopped in Copenhagen, and since it was Sunday there were almost no shops open =( Bummer. But I must say Copenhagen is a nice city ^^
Next stop was Stockholm. Stockholm has a lot of shops. But! I had to restrain myself to not buy too much. Though I did end up buying a pair of checked shorts.
These were 150 SEK (which is around €13) I like checked shorts and the colour combi is nice. The fabric is quite thick (though not as thick and "stiff" as real denim fabric, but thicker than you would expect) It fits me almost perfect (Yay, even though my waist is quite tiny) and it's just so comfy and cute. This was from a store called BikBok (nice store, didn't know it until then)
The first day in Stockholm was beautiful weather, the next day: Rain =(
After we Stockholm we drove to Norway. I managed to not buy stuff until Ålesund (correct spelling?) where I bought a pink baseball jacket.
I've been wanting a baseball jacket, but a lot of people already wear a red one (you know all those standard colours) but I haven't seen anyone (in my region) with a pink one yet, so I thought: Score! It was a pity it didn't have a fleece lining but I still like it anyway. I was kinda hesitant about buying it at first because I felt bad spending more money (I already spent so much =() but I still ended up buying it >_<" bad me. This was 150 NOK (not too bad I guess?)
We also went to the Dale factory near Bergen. I saw a nice hoodie for 930 NOK which was waterproof. BUT I didn't buy it in the end because it was a bit too pricey for me (Norwegian sweaters are expensive =() and I was afraid I wouldn't wear it often...
Anyway I bought some high-waisted shorts in I think Andalsnes? At the BikBok (such a nice shop with good sale!)
Only 100 NOK! Me likey, but now I have to stop buying shorts xd lol I have like 9 pairs or so.
Because we couldn't go to Oslo we stopped at Hamburg (Germany) before going home =(. I had never been to Hamburg but the shops are quite good I must say!
I needed a new jacket for spring/autumn so I bought this in the sale. My dad practically dragged me to the part they sold jackets because there was like a big sale. This jacket was reduced from €120 to €28.79! He was like, buy it it looks so good on you it fits you and it's cheap! (Lol, dad is a cheapass Asian) but I do like the jacket, it's not too long and it has pockets, and it's the kinda jacket I wanted to have ^^
I also bought this pair of jeans. They are from the Miss Sixty. And honestly I didn't need anymore jeans but for some reason my dad and sis keep pushing me into buying more and saying afterwards: "If you have so much WHY ARE YOU BUYING?!" Tche it's all their fault
(lol at smiley) But I like the colour of the jeans and the little detail in the knee area. I was surprised it fits me because usually my big thighs are a huge problem (that's why I need to slim down those bad ass thighs) =-= but luckily this is stretch so it does fit ^^. The jeans were reduced to €40.
I also bought a pair of earrings (stars) but I didn't take a good picture >_<" so no picture. They were only €2 so I thought... Why not?
Ending my haul now. I'm sorry for the long post with lotsa pictures (notice how I got lazy near the end) and sorry if the pictures look kinda boring >_<" After all the editing I don't feel like putting on any special effects (even more time consuming)
I will try not to procrastinate as much as I did (probably is due to the fact that editing costs a lot of time, even though I do it in a noobish way).. BTW I even took pictures of the stuff I bought in Paris but that was like LONG ago,,, doesn't make a lot of sense to blog about it now right?
Well, all's well ends well...
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