Monday 27 June 2011

Crochet projects

Since it's almost summer vacation I can do anything I want =) Get crafty crafty. I'll show a list of things I want to make.

When I saw this on YouTube I immediately knew I wanted to make this. For reference I'll just post pictures, but remember: I didn't make these cute Totoro's ^^ They're from the same person as the one who posted the pattern (I'll put the link below)


Copyright goes to heavens-hellcat.
And for the grey Totoro I've also got a YouTube video of someone who made all 3 of them (Gray, Blue and White) but she used the pattern for the blue one and then modified it. I also read that one person just took a bigger hook and heavier yarn, and then followed the pattern instructions and the Totoro turned out bigger as well. But since I only have 1 size hook (if I get serious I may invest in more, but for now...) and 1 ball of yarn... So I'm just experimenting a bit...

Here's the video of someone showing her self-made Totoro (I can't paste the video for some reason, so here's the link >_<)

Awh, Totoro is so cute >3< 

When I was searching the Internet I also found this pattern of Domo-kun He's awesome. I only need to buy some brown yarn and I'm ready to go. And I need to figure something out about the eyes >_< Pictures are also on the site. I'll post my own pictures as soon as I finish them (if I finish them over the summer >_<)

Argh I have to study =-= I have a test week and there are some subjects I really want to get good marks for, otherwise I feel like I'm doomed next year =-= so... Wish me luck. Hope I have a good karma, and I hope I'll blog soon... And Sorry I've skipped another 5 days of blogging >_< I'm super bad blogger I know. That's why I only have such few followers, though I am proud I at least have some xd.... Anyway


Wednesday 22 June 2011

More exercising

Quick update oh yeah. I'm a busy bee,,, this is really going to be a short article,,, more just showing that I'm adding another something to my workout...

Time to get healthy and lose those kg! Are you losing weight just as me...? Keep me up to date! I love to read your experiences and learn from those.

xoxo Get healthy

*sigh* Making an economic presentation right now... *big sigh* I hate economics...

Monday 20 June 2011

Dr. Organic Vitamin E Scar & Stretch mark serum


I bought this Serum quite a while ago, because I figured I needed a serum for that extra hydration etc. Why not use extra cream against scarring with it since I get lotsa scars due to annoying pimples (but it has improved really well lately, but I don't know why.)

If you didn't know yet, Dr. Organic is Paraben free, SLS free and it doesn't contain artificial colours, fragrances or harsh preservatives. And Dr. Organic doesn't test on animals.

What does it promise? Well, this serum claims to be:
  • Hydrating
  • Restoring
  • Regenerating
  • Protecting
And it's naturally moisturising. Here's what it says on the back of the box:
In combination with a complex proprietary blend of bioactive, natural and organic ingredients including Demochlerra DP (tested for use on scars and stretch marks), this podent restoring and hydrating cream absorbs into the effected epidermal subcutaneous cell matrix to instantly nourish and regenerate, restoring the skins natural moisture levels to give scars and stretch marks a smoother more tonned and radiant appearance.

This serum contains the bioactive, natural and organic ingredients: Vitamin E, Aloe Vera Juice, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Sweet Almond Oil, Lotus Flower Extract, Chlorella Extract, Beeswax, Lemon Peel Oil (lemon smell? :)) Amino Acid Complex, Lemon Grass Oil, Elemi Oil, Liquorice Extract and Green Tea (Onomnom)

I don't know all the effects of all these ingredients. I only know Vitamin E helps restoring skin tissue (or something in that direction) Aloe Vera is cooling (but it doesn't necessarily cool my skin) and Shea Butter can moisturise your skin (correct me if I'm wrong >_<)

Awesome picture taking skills =-=

My opinion:
The texture is not like any other serums, usually a serum is liquid (almost liquid) and this is more like a cream.

I think this serum works really well: it leaves my skin soft and hydrated. I also noticed my scars started fading after a while, so it does fade the scars =) I LOVE the smell, it smells like lemons, nice and fresh =)

I always use this serum in combination with my other Dr. Organic cream. I think this one smells nicer but I guess that's personal opinion (I like lemon smell ^^)

You really don't need a lot of cream. I usually use about a pea size, bit more. Your skin absorbs the cream quite fast, which is absolutely a pro.

The serum definitely lightens scars, I've been using it for quite a while and I paid extra attention to some scars on my face, and I noticed they're gone!

I'm very positive about this serum in a sense of it being a cream, but I don't know if other (more liquid and intense) serum will be better.

Something for you if:

  • You are looking for an all organic serum
  • You have sensitive skin and you can't use other serums (which I doubt)
  • You like serums smelling of lemon
  • Lighten your scars.
Skip it if:
  • You think £8.19 is too expensive for a 50 ml tube of serum
  • You want a FAST lightening cream. This lightening process is not very fast so...
Not many negative points... I must say I've never tried any other scar lightening creams/oils. And I don't know if Bio-Oil works better for scars so maybe you should do some more research on that. I'd say, if you want to have it more expensive just go for Bio-Oil and if not, go for something from Dr. Organic! Or just anything with Vitamin E oil. (or just pure vitamin E oil =))

 I hope this review was somewhere useful... I'm a sucker I know >_< Sorry! I forgot the price but I searched it on Google and found that it was £8.19 pounds on Holland and Barrett (also it has a buy one get one for half the price) so... This is your chance if you want to try. 

Yes I'm rambling about everything... sorry...  Now it's study time again... So proud of myself blogging 4 days straight xd yes it's very hard for me,,,


Sunday 19 June 2011

Purchased stuff Cambridge

Onto the REAL Haul now ^^ Finally Photobucket

Perfect high-waisted shorts?

I like the buttons ^^. Sorry for the fuzzy picture >_<
So starting off with my Primark purchases. When I saw these shorts I was like: "OMG, I NEED THESE!" But then the size issues came, I couldn't find a UK size 8 >_<! But luckily a friend of mine found size 8 (which is actually still a bit big... but these shorts were just amazing I had to have it and it's not like it's way and WAY to big ^^. I've been looking for high-waisted shorts for quite a while (still looking for more, I think I'm hooked!) and these were just perfect ^^ the buttons are also very pretty. I remember the shorts being £10.00



When I saw this cardigan I just fell in love with the hearts <3 it's not just your ordinary grey cardigan, no it also has cute hearts in different colours.Photobucket I bought a couple of sizes bigger because I like oversized cardigans (it's not a drama when you buy cardigans a bit bigger I think) and because I practically ran away with this one (when I went to look for the price, because this one didn't have a price tag I couldn't find it anymore so I guess this was the last one?) I think it cost £12.00 or so? Between £12.00 and £15.00?

I also bought over-knee socks, but I forgot to take pictures of them so yeah. Anyway, I'm wearing them in my OOTD which I posted yesterday so take a look there if you want. If not, I'll try to describe it: They were one size, but I figured since I'm so tiny they'll definitely be over-knee (I've been wanting to have over-knee socks, because the knee high were too short in my personal opinion,,, I expected them to be over-knee when they weren't) the colour is grey and it has small bows all over the socks.


I also bought this nail polish. I've been wanting to buy a Coral colour for quite a while and now I have it and I loveee it =) I think the price was £3.00 but I'm not sure anymore >_<

Bad picture >_< Sorry!
And last but not least I have bought a Cambridge sweater in Light Blue. It's sort of a tradition in our school to buy a Cambridge sweater when going to Cambridge so, of course I had to have one as well! It's so nice and warm and comfy. They have a lot of colours but I already knew I would want something Violet or Light Blue and so I went for Light Blue. At first I tried on the XS (since I'm tiny) but my head was too big and I had a hard time putting out my sweater >_<. I was afraid I had the same problem with the S but I have a good method now and I don't have any problems. Luckily the S doesn't look too big on me. It's oversized but not that much. I bought the sweater on the market, because the teachers said it's cheaper there, but later I found a shop where it was cheaper (£15.00) The sweater on the market cost £20.00.

Yay for me who has done 3 straight days of blogging. I drafted a lot, so that's probably why =) I'm sure that I won't be able to keep this up anymore. Especially with a test week in 2 weeks. I know I'm going to pass my 3rd year, but yeah... Parents always have their expectations and I must say: I will be bothered if I don't do well in some subjects... 

I think next week is going to be a peaceful week, or at least I hope... I'm going to make a present for my sister, I'm afraid I'm running out of time so maybe I should spend my free time on that...? Maybe not a lot of blogging anyway =((?

Argh, gotta do homework now, actually... Stop procrastinating...


PS. I hope when it's summer holiday I have the motivation to create my own layout and create a new banner (this one sucks and the layout looks a bit childish weird,,, idk) so yeah... bear with it for a while >_<????

Saturday 18 June 2011

My trip to Cambridge~

I'm ashamed... I haven't blogged in almost 2 months! *hits herself* Shame Shame Shame... That's way and way too long, I know. But now I'm trying to get back on track again. I have many hauls to do, but it'd be boring if I'd only blog about hauls, so I'm going to try and bring in some variety. There are also some reviews coming up =) Anyway, moving on...

My school organises a trip to Cambridge for all the bilingual students every year. And then we go for 5 days with the 2 bilingual classes. This year it was my turn =D Yeahhh! We did have to go to school in the morning (which was a new experience but also kinda boring sometimes =-=" but yeah..) and in the afternoon we could go shopping and in the evening we had some activities.

The first day me and my friends got lost many times >_< Yes, I'm a n00b in roads... But I blame the buses!

In the evening we went bowling in the Cambridge Leisure Centre. I came in 2nd place with my friend. (But I could've been 2nd place on my own >_< ! ARgh if only I didn't miss my target...) Anyway, after the bowling we could go into the "gambling" section. I didn't waste my money on that~ luckily. One of my friends got a very cute Yoshi cuddly toy (stuffed animal?) using the grab machine thingy. The Toad also looked very cute, only his head was too heavy, so it was practically impossible for us to get Toad out =( Bummer...

Students from my class loved the Air Hockey section xd lol, so much fun! Students VS. Teachers  Photobucket.

The 2nd day me & friends rushed to the Primark. I'll show my purchases down below. We had to catch the movie quite early (movie was in Cambridge Leisure Centre), in fact we were late and at first we weren't allowed to go in anymore, but the teachers got the boss and we managed to get in. We could choose between 2 movies: Water for Elephants and Thor in 3D. I wished I had chosen for Thor, because... Seriously... I thought Water for Elephants sucked >_< There was too much violence (it became quite annoying in the end) and I thought it was kinda weird...

Me no likey his movie >_<!
Afterwards some went to the gambling part again. Me & friends who stayed at the same host family figured we'd take an 'early' bus "home" but in the end it was still quite late by the time the bus finally came >_<.

The 3rd day was our "day off" (at least the morning was free of activities) (we could sleep in a little) and on the 3rd day I bought my Cambridge sweater (tradition!) and had Starbucks Frap (nomnomnomnom) I visited Poundland xd lol, but didn't buy anything. In the afternoon we had to visit, ultra-boring museums. *sigh* and afterwards we went Punting. Yay for me who (in the end) was able to punt ^^ with a bit of practice you can manage. Though it caused lotsa muscle pain in my arms >_< arm flab. The evening was free, and an opportunity to eat at our host family. Eating chips (French Fries) >_< arrr.

On the 4th day we had Formal dinner at St. Catharines. The food was OK, not delicious, not gross (even though most people thought the food was gross).

The 5th day we still had 1 lesson and we received our certificate. And we left Cambridge between 13.30 and 14.00 I think. Being home felt kinda sad because I loved Cambridge, but home is always good I guess ^^.

Yes I'm trying to keep up the blog, and when you start again the ideas keep coming and coming. But working out the ideas can be very time lurking >_< and I've been very busy lately, there was a period when I had 1 test a day and I feel like the past couple of months have been about working out only >_< I've been quite active in one way and lazy in the other way.

I've been failing my toning workout part. But I've started running/jogging for 45 min. every morning (=> resulting in getting up at 5.35) some days I'm just too tired to do anything... and sometimes I just skip running but I try to run as much as possible, otherwise I'll never lose weight and get the "dream-body" as to say...

Maybe I should work more in the weekends at midnight xd... Or should I get more sleep~!

xoxo Stay well

The Sleepy Ninja addicted to Cupcakes and all unhealthy stuff~

OK, OK, one picture to close it all,,, of me eating a toast with a big layer of jam (SUGAR!!!)

Yes I look tired, I didn't sleep a lot and the bed was a bit weird but yeah xd Cambridge sweater =D?

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