Monday 27 June 2011

Crochet projects

Since it's almost summer vacation I can do anything I want =) Get crafty crafty. I'll show a list of things I want to make.

When I saw this on YouTube I immediately knew I wanted to make this. For reference I'll just post pictures, but remember: I didn't make these cute Totoro's ^^ They're from the same person as the one who posted the pattern (I'll put the link below)


Copyright goes to heavens-hellcat.
And for the grey Totoro I've also got a YouTube video of someone who made all 3 of them (Gray, Blue and White) but she used the pattern for the blue one and then modified it. I also read that one person just took a bigger hook and heavier yarn, and then followed the pattern instructions and the Totoro turned out bigger as well. But since I only have 1 size hook (if I get serious I may invest in more, but for now...) and 1 ball of yarn... So I'm just experimenting a bit...

Here's the video of someone showing her self-made Totoro (I can't paste the video for some reason, so here's the link >_<)

Awh, Totoro is so cute >3< 

When I was searching the Internet I also found this pattern of Domo-kun He's awesome. I only need to buy some brown yarn and I'm ready to go. And I need to figure something out about the eyes >_< Pictures are also on the site. I'll post my own pictures as soon as I finish them (if I finish them over the summer >_<)

Argh I have to study =-= I have a test week and there are some subjects I really want to get good marks for, otherwise I feel like I'm doomed next year =-= so... Wish me luck. Hope I have a good karma, and I hope I'll blog soon... And Sorry I've skipped another 5 days of blogging >_< I'm super bad blogger I know. That's why I only have such few followers, though I am proud I at least have some xd.... Anyway


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