Monday 29 August 2011

School starting again...

FML. School is starting again tomorrow =( Vacation was waaaaaaaaaaaaay too short... OK, I had to get my books from school last week already. But tomorrow we're officially starting school (though they were nice enough to skip the first 2 periods. So no school till after 9.55 then the terror begins)

Boo I had to carry 20 (or 23) books on my bicycle back home =( Heavy stuff... And I almost fell off my bicycle >_<"
Today we had to get our schedule. Turns out on Monday I have to stay at school till 17.00 O_o unless it's changed. Boo Boo Boo #$%@* school.

I'm going to end this short post. I don't feel like doing a lot (probably that time again, causing me to eat non-stop, putting on lots of weight... argh, tomorrow I have to control myself)

Tonight I'll relax (or not? Maybe I should workout >_<) I won't go to bed early xd lol, don't feel like going early. I need to stop rambling like this...


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