Sunday 11 September 2011

(Platform) Shoe hunt

Platform shoes... Shoes I have been wanting for a long time but couldn't find and get, and now I still CAN'T get 'em. Because buying from Taobao can be quite expensive for me >_<" (and I feel bad asking my father to order these for me. Damn I need a job) At these times I wished I lived in Hong Kong or somewhere in China. (Or maybe just somewhere in Asia where they have cute clothes for a good price) I'm super picky shoe-wise. I need to find "THE" perfect shoe, for a good price. Here's an example of cute platform shoes. They are from the Yayashoe Taobao shop. I'm actually not sure about the star print, but I think the blue ones are the cutest (which aren't shown on the picture >_<") 


I think platform shoes are awesome because they give you that extra height you need (I need,,, being only 5ft) without the painful experience of walking on killer heels or so. But they don't have them a lot over here (or I just didn't see them) The only time I saw like the ideal platform shoes was in the Monki in Hamburg. They were also in sale for only €10,-! But damn, for once in my life I wished my feet were even smaller than they are now (they're actually quite big for my length, and they're wide =-=" looks really ugly) because I couldn't fit in a size 37! (which I normally fit in perfectly) and there was no size 38 =-= only size 36 shoes were left (the bigger sizes were sold out already I guess..?)

These platforms are a bit less high than the other star printed ones. But these are a bit more casual, with an edgy bit due to the studs. I think I do like the star printed one more. Because it's more different you know, the one above looks more like your every day sneaker with a platform (and studs, the studs make it different) but yeah... I can only look at these pictures thinking I want those shoes until I find the perfect one here. Argh, wish I could order.

More platforms! The last pair is cute. 
Next to platform shoes I've also been on a hunt for boots. Yes, winter is around the corner and I've decided to not try and survive the winter with only All Stars+3 layers of socks+therm sole (which holds the heat). I have other boots now but, I don't know why I bought them (Damn, I hate the fact I didn't have a sense of style years ago). The top of the boot ends somewhere on my calf and I think it looks horrible. It's like it adds weight to my calfs (and me no likey because they're Huge already) Plus, they don't have any grip, so when I walk on slippery floors (or walk on snow) big chance I will fall down and hurt myself. So no... these are definitely not winter proof.

But the boots I have been thinking about are either really high (almost thigh high?) or just ankle boots. (actually not sure which of the two kinds I should buy..?) I don't want to buy Uggs, even though they may be nice and warm. But everyone's walking around in Uggs already and I don't think they would flatter my already huge, big, muscle legs.

The quest is hard, but hopefully I shall find my perfect boots this winter, otherwise I won't survive this cold >_<"

BTW, I'm sorry for the lack of posts, I know I've been saying this quite often, but these were the first two weeks of school and I'm already physically drained. I'm actually not sure if I should be blogging now or doing homework. Because actually I'm already studying for my final exams almost 3 years from now (actually less) and for some things I just have to study harder than I did. I just have to study more than previous years (that would be smarter,, gehe)

Monday till Wednesday are late days for me. I'm gone to school from 8.20 till after 17.00 =( and actually I still have to do homework afterwards, but usually I'm so physically drained I can't do anything at all and just want to be lazy. Monday's are ultra-late, because school lasts till 16.55! Then cycling for at least 30 min. and last week I came home at 17.40! Jeez, going to school till 16.55 must be a crime =-=" physically draining children.

Due to all these late school days I've been eating like a madman! It was also due to PMS but next to that there was a lot of stress... Already >_<" I need to eat healthier next week, otherwise I'll also gain weight like a madman.

Ah, I also think I caught a cold... Had a sore throat and my voice was all cracked up (if that's the way you should say it ;) gehe)

Long post, Shall stop now, maybe draft some other posts and then do some homework + exercising... Haven't run in so many weeks due to laziness and after laziness it became stress >_<" OK, time to stop otherwise this post is going to be waaaaaaaay too long...


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