Sunday 13 February 2011

Cute mitts ^^

Phew, feel like I've been away for a very long time...? =-= I'm sitting behind my laptop, tired, even though I slept for 8 or 9 hours (bad~). This week I will go to bed on time!

But anyway, my mum went to do some shopping the day before yesterday. And she bought these cute mitts.



They're actually for children, but my hands are so small they fit~ They're so cute, ah! Especially the snow flake. My mum said they were also in a light pink colour but she bought this one because it won't get dirty as soon as a light colour (visibly at least)

Luckily spring is early this year, they say it already started ^^ and I notice it because I see some flowers growing in my garden and I think hay fever is starting again =-= 

My skin is also doing bad these days :( I've been breaking out on my cheeks and my right arm is covered in eczema... and I can't stop scratching! Any tips?

So that's about it~ short post, due to my laziness. Will try to "produce" better posts ;)


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