Sunday 20 February 2011

Skin crisis =(

I'm so depressed... It feels like almost my whole body is covered in things...

Face has pimples, and they keep dividing and become red =-= damn you! Some just keep coming back O-o. I have an urge to buy Queen Helen's Mint Julep mask, but it's not that easy to get here, but! My dad says we'll go to the Hague (Den Haag) again and over there there's a shop that sells it. I've heard so many good things about it, I really need to try it. But who knows how far away that is...

Face covered in pimples is not the only thing... The rest of my body has eczema... O.o booooo. It's so itchy. I know you have to restrain yourself from scratching, but damn, it's so hard. Especially if you're asleep, I wake up while I'm scratching O.O!

Maybe it's because I've been treating my skin badly...? Cold weather, no taking care of it, except for my face (face gets full attention) or it could be a freaking allergic reaction =-= damn the sensitive skin. I need to try and apply a special cream to my skin and don't scratch... But it's so hard~ :(

You guys have any tips on skin care.? I think I can handle my eczema since I've already had since I was little, but the pimples... Maybe it's just a phase. When my sister was this age she also had pimples on her cheeks...

Only thing I know is, don't pop the damn pimples >.< which is also quite hard. But I just need to face facts, if you pop them, you have a bigger chance of getting scars...

But on the bright side: Today was the first time I went for a run, and I felt really proud =D Now I've got to keep going until I get the most out of my body. The biggest obstacle is still food, it's just so delicious~ nom nom nom. Which reminds me, I think I'm going to eat French fries tonight O.O Nom nom, but oh so bad...


btw: Tomorrow I have to start sewing for my school project on one side I'm kind off excited, but on the other hand I feel like I'll fail pretty hard, my sewing skills are probably bad........ =-=

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