Tuesday 8 February 2011

Project for school

There's an assignment for a subject called Cultural Education (for my feeling it's completely useless, too bad that I'm stuck with it for the next 3 1/2 years :/) and we have to sew a whole outfit. The theme is baroque. I will keep you updated on all the stuff and all. Like the end result and parts in between.

So, the idea is a big dress, lots of ruffles and lots of lace, if it's available. But it's always easy to have ideas and imagine it all, but when the practical work starts... it won't be that easy anymore >.< I don't know if I should trust my sewing skills. Because big dresses do need lots and lots of work. And if I'm correct the teacher wants it finished somewhere by the end of February... HOLY SH*T, even if we're with 3 persons (actually with 5, but the other 2 will probably make a hat or so...?) making a big dress like that... Inhuman, especially in that few time we have in class (50 min. every week), sketching will be homework and maybe even more... If I think hard about it we've got 2 weeks to work on it at school... *total de motivation* Hopefully I like sewing and I won't have that many problems, and I will learn things because I do want to sew more things in the future.

We made a moodboard but I'm not sure if I can get my hands on that.

I'm also a bit clueless about the amount of fabric we need. We do know what kind of fabric and so on (e.g. lace) but how much...? No clue... Any of you guys have a clue? Tell me please. The dress is for a mark, not like a really care, but I do want to try my best since I want try and sew clothes in vacations as well as I've said many times >.<

Actually everyone is clueless xd. I haven't got a clue about the fabric either... >.<

But I'll have an intense search right now and hopefully I'll find something useful O.O

xoxo I'll keep you posted~ 

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