Thursday 23 December 2010

Japanese Fashion Magazines: Inspiration from Popteen?

Here are some sources of my inspiration hope they´ll inspire you too!

Yay for the oversized, knit vests. And the blocked pants. They look awesome! In magazines they always look so cute. The hairdo, the glasses and the hats. It makes me love curly hair and want to wear hats, not only to keep my ears warm but also because it looks cute :3 (gives me the idea: I should sew a bow on my hat, makes it a lot cuter :D) Click for more!

I have to search for platform sneakers! I'm very petite and this will make me bigger without all the trouble on heels :) since I'm not such a pro in walking on high heels. But, if I found them somewhere, I'd rather not have the white part be that large, now it's obvious that you're wearing platform sneakers. But the idea is awesome. Further, I like the colour of the pants, but I don't like shiny part, just not my taste. 

I don't know if you girls can see it, because it's maybe too light over there, but the lace shirt the right girl is wearing looks so cute. I also have something similar to that, only I'm afraid to wash it in the washing machine and need to wash it by hand, but I keep forgetting to wash it everytime (though I really want to wear it)

And on the left girl we see the oversized sweater again :D I just love it (though I'd still wear shorts or tights underneath)

I've noticed that when I started looking a lot at Japanese Fashion Magazines I have an urge to wear lots of shorts and skirts though it'll probably won't look as good on me as it looks on them :/

The long t-shirt with bow is cute (>w<) and the (knitted?) pink vest with the bow looks so cute and could be created yourself by just buying a knitted vest, I guess? Or if it's cheap anyways it doesn't really matter xD

Doesn't the girl with the off-shoulder sweater look kawaii (=cute) =D? I want off-shoulder sweater :3

(makes me want to wear those kind of hats... :3)

Quite fascinating to see how many things they attach to their bag. I must say the things are cute, but isn't it a bit too much sometimes...? Ah well... as long as it's cute xD

Very colourful page! The pants with music notes is awesome!

This is it for now. All the pages were from Popteen, November and December edition, I think. Maybe I'll upload more from other ones later. But I'll leave it with this for now ;)

Off-topic: I'm soooo jealous of those models. They are so slim :') I know there's something called "photoshop" out there but I also know that Japanese are very slim. This motivates me in a kind off way to lose weight but it can also be very depressing sometimes :'). If I start making OOTD you'll probably understand why, I guess... Ah well...

Nyoro~nn and xoxo-ies


  1. Whoa cutesy-overload x///________///x

  2. @HimeHina I know right~ everything just looks so cute ^^


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