Wednesday 29 December 2010


I have so many stuff I want to buy right now. It's just too much, I can't ask for all that in one shot, my dad would go broke >.<. I have to set priorities. What has my 1st priority and which stuff can be bought later on. 

  1. Skin care. I want to buy a good cleanser. 100% Natural one because I kinda feel more confident when it's natural and doesn't have all the chemical crap. I feel skin care is basics. You can buy all the make-up you want but if you have a bad skin, I feel that it doesn't get the maximum beauty out of you. 
  2. Hmm... let me think. I think I'll go for make-up here. I have quite a lot of clothes already :') and I want to order from YesStyle but last time we had to pay import costs >_< bought so many stuff (my sis did). I don't need many make-up, it's actually just because my sis wants some lip crayons and I'm kinda dragged into this :') but I do wanna buy concealer, just from the drugstore or so. OR lipgloss from NYX, they have some real cute colours there :3
  3. Then my last priority will be clothes. I'm still hoping YesStyle will do something like free shipping or so >_< and maybe I shouldn't make it this expensive this time.
I'm kinda curious here. If you want to buy stuff, what things will you buy first? Make-up, skincare or clothes? I wanna know!

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