Friday 31 December 2010

New bag =D

I've been wanting a new bag for forever >.< I'm really picky in choosing bags, but this one was really nice, and I haven't seen a lot of people walking around with this one yet. The brand's name is: Protest

The outside:
(lol, I know it looks weird now, the shape but in real life it's rectangular)

The inside:
I like the blocks :3

I'm so happy my sister found this, lol she finds so many nice stuff (>.<) finding this bag made my day =D. And normally I'm not a fan of studs, but since there aren't many on this one I don't mind, they are in the right place.

I think I'm going to use this bag for school and for shopping. But I don't dare to put so many books in >.< (why do we have to carry so many books :/ there are days that I have to carry like 7 books to school =-=)
The bag has 2 short straps and 1 longer. Which is good, because I don't think it's very convenient to cycle with a heavy bag on your shoulder with just the 2 straps,,, (if you get what I mean, I suck in explaining >.<) so, when I cycle I use the longer strap. 

I can't wait to use my bag =D, I still want to create a nice hanger to hang on the zipper though~ 

I hope it won't break like super fast but yeah, does faux leather break easily?

Have a great turn of the year and I hope you won't hurt yourself with firework, if you fire some >.<


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