Saturday 1 January 2011

Resolutions 2011

A new year, new resolutions. I failed almost every one I had last year, lol. But this year I want to succeed (fighting spirit)! So here are my resolutions for 2011:

  1. Keep updating this blog. I've just started so I still have to get used to it and all. Cooping with school and everything else and keep blogging.
  2. Lose weight/fat. This was on my list last year as well, but I failed pretty hard. Let's say I want to lose about 4-5 kg/8.8 lbs or so (if the converter is correct xd)
  3. Try to get as much 8 hours of sleep as I can. It's better for my skin and I also heard that you'll eat more if you don't sleep enough so... who knows.
  4. Exercise everyday. This one is actually related to losing weight/fat. I want to try and run for at least 20 min. every school day. And for about 1 hour in the weekends. Of course I'll run slowly, I would die if I had to run fast for so long :')
  5. Apply sun screen every day. Many make-up gurus keep saying you have to apply sun screen, especially if you're treating acne. I still need to buy a good sun screen, because I think the current one I'm using on my face, breaks me out. Shut out the UV-rays!
  6. I want to sew some clothes. Lol, I don't know if this is influenced by my sister, but I do want to make some simple clothes/things, if I can succeed. 
  7. Don't slack off so much! Oh gosh, I slack off way too fast. And especially now, that I've made my life even busier (hehe, I'm an idiot) I can't afford to slack off, otherwise it'll cost me my sleep.
So this was my (long?) list of resolutions. What are yours? Tell me~ 


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