Thursday 13 January 2011

Losing fat

Losing weight is one thing, but with me it's not necessarily the weight that bothers me (well, it does bothers me, actually) fat is something that bothers me a lot >-<

I do "quite a lot of research" because I want to lose the damn fat around my tummy >.< it's so ugly. But there's no such thing as losing fat on just one spot (e.g. your tummy ghehe,,, that word sounds so funny) You lose fat around your tummy, you lose it on your arms and legs (though the amount you lose doesn't have to be equal)

So after all that "research" that I've been doing, I've drawn some conclusions:
  1. You should build up muscle, because those muscles will "eat" those calories when you are running or so
  2. To lose fat you have to run at a slow pace for a longer time, that's when you start to actually lose the fat
  3. The fact: "you should burn more calories than you eat" only prevents new fat. Fat you've produced, shall have to be burned through exercise (I'm sorry, it's something you've just gotta accept >.<)
  4. Don't think "light" food/drinks are healthy. They may sound healthy because they say: "Contains only 1 calorie" or so. But light doesn't give you a saturated feeling. It kinda makes you hungry. And when you eat light stuff, you start eating more and more and more (sometimes thinking, well it's light anyways!) and in the end you've consumed more calories than the "normal" ones contain, because the amount of light stuff you consumed was just so much (OK, is this understandable?) Also my mum kept telling me sweeteners are bad but I don't know the exact things about that...
So since I'm "trying" to lose fat around my tummy I will tell you my "daily" training programme. And you will see that I use those "conclusions" it's not very special or anything and don't expect a heavy "programme"

  • I do like 100 "sit-up like" things, they're called callanatics. I only do this instead of sit-ups because my mum kept saying: "sit-ups are BAD, you should do callanetics" *sigh* In the end I listened to mummy >.< I found a video on YouTube, if you guys are interested >.< the exercise you see at the beginning is the one I'm doing
  • 60 seconds training my dorsal muscles (thank you dictionary?) or if that's not understandable I just call them the muscles in my back/back muscles ;) I feel like a lot of people make mistakes in this one. Remember: "You have to train the muscles in your back if you're training your abs!" If you don't, your back will probably hurt after a while and that really sucks you know.
  • As I mentioned in my Resolutions I run for 20 min. everyday (or at least I try) and in the weekend for 1 hour or so.
  • Cycling for about 1+ hour. I don't do this voluntarily. I have to cycle to school. Got no other choice... >-<
As you can see that's not very hard is it? But next to that I also do another kind of sport 2 times a week and with warming-up we have to do push-ups sometimes.

What I want to "believe": build up muscles around my tummy, so the fat will disappear quicker ;) my theory *thumbs up*

I'm not a hardcore trainer, remember: I'm lazy :')

~~~~~ Laziness FTW

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