Sunday 9 January 2011

Tip if you're not the sporty type and randomness~

I have tip for you guys out there that aren't really the active type (like me >.<) and are too lazy to go to the gym or so (all referring to me >.<)

When you want to be active, it doesn't necessarily have to be outside, or something outside your door. You can also do it inside ;) (why be picky and pay money if you can also be low budget and stay inside) I'd say, just do it at home! (Though if you live in an apartment it would be pretty annoying because I think the people living below you would get annoyed like hell)

And because I don't like to waste time doing nothing or staring at nothing (while you're "running") the thing I do is: watch anime =D but you could also watch other series or watch TV and I promise you, you won't be bored! (if you watch something interesting)

It's cheap (you only pay for the electricity) and less boring than just running around or going to the gym. 'Cause now you have something to watch =D

The only "problem" would be your motivation. You have to be motivated to start, if you don't start... well, nothing will happen (ok, that sounded stupid)

Get sporty!! And get rid of all those extra Christmas kilos >-<

Another thing, I think I'm gonna add one new resolution: Cleaning my hair brush more often. This has been something I've been trying to do more often. But I just keep forgetting it after a while. And then it gets dirtier, and dirtier. 'Til I get to the point it's REALLY dirty, that's when I start cleaning, but usually I'm also demotivated for that, because it'll take "some time" before it's clean again. And it's never 100% clean. I don't know it there's some kind of "method" to make your brush really nice and clean, if there is, tell me!

I'm gonna have to write something for Extra English now... *big sigh* I don't have any inspiration for that :( (though I did have some, 'cause I was able to write a post >.<) I wanna sleep~ it's like 22.43 and I have to get up at 6.30 O.O

I get the feeling I'm only writing random articles >.< that are kinda boring O.o


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