Tuesday 18 January 2011

Random blabber~ gross stuff

Yes, another random one. Since I have so many things I want to share.

Guess when it started pouring? Guess who had to bike through the pouring rain? Yes, ME! Again... but this one was pretty bad. It rained so hard. My eyes were hurting (I was wearing contact lenses) >.<

The leggings I wore, were completely wet, dark, sticky and I had a hard time taking off my leggings. I wanted to make pictures so you could see how terrorised I was... and yes I was also wearing mascara. It was a waterproof one, but I guess not even waterproof is able to withstand such a pouring rain... =-= yeah. But the thing that amazed me was, it didn't smear out in stripes, whatever, you know, a big black area underneath your eyes,,, but there were those small "grains" underneath...? This was my Max Factor Lash Extension, I wanted to make pictures of it, so you could actually see it, but the moment I got home I took a shower and put on some clean, dry clothes. And then I ate something xd lol.

Another "adventure" of me, today. You know what I did today...? Psst, you have to click, since it may be considered as "shocking" to some of you fellas ;). You got the balls and you'll click!

So what did I do today...? Well, I had a biology lesson today. Yay! At the moment we're studying the human heart. So what did our biology teacher think. Well, let's do a practical assignment and get a pig's heart O.O at first many girls were like: "OMG, GROSS, GROSS, GROSS!!" I was a bit like,,, well, of course it will be a bit gross, but I felt like I shouldn't exaggerate. That "thing" is also inside your body ;) only it isn't from a pig... of course.

I forgot to bring my mobile phone so I couldn't make pictures... Though my friend did take some (a lot! xd) pictures with her mobile phone, so I'm putting 'em on my mobile phone tomorrow, so I'll edit this post tomorrow.

What did it look like...? Well, it was actually really clean (they really washed it beforehand with water, let it soak... etc.) there really wasn't a lot of blood left. Only some diluted blood, which could look like a big pool of blood, but it isn't... really! My biology teacher was really nice and she grabbed the heart first (also because there was a girl in my group who's a bit afraid of those things, but she touched it and I'm really proud of her! =D) So we studied all the parts and... It looked so different from the book! At first I thought the atria were like "chambers" but in real-life they looked like "flaps" and the ventricles were the real "chambers" they were SO big. Also the semi-lunar valves were really different than displayed in the book.

Here it looks like... they're just "loose" but in real-life they're like almost attached to the walls.

At first I really was like... Holy hell, I ain't gonna touch that! It started with 1 poke (hehe, poke the pig) then I touched it with all my fingers. Then I picked up the whole heart. Lol, it sounds really gross but it actually isn't that bad, because the heart was cleaned an all. I was like,,, whoa it's fluffy xd

I put my finger through the aorta, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein. It felt so gross xd but it was kinda cool. And those tendons, holding the atrio-ventricular valves are like Super strong! I couldn't break them easily.

After all the terror and all, I washed my hands 2 times, but my hands still smelled like crap. But of course, me being all clumsy not clean, whatever. There was blood left on my wrist =-= I contaminated the whole school (joking! (about the contamination part) xd) since I was holding the pig blood was "dripping" obviously... In the end me and my fellow classmates did have a "fun" time, we were laughing the whole time xd. Shall I upload pictures when I get 'em...? Only watch if you can handle it,,, since it "can" be seen as gross, by you fellas.

So... this was my really gross, story. I felt like telling it...? I don't know why... I'm just random~ and to make it a nice ending I'll give you fellas a nice random failed picture ;) *wink* * wink*

My ninja-neko fail!
Piggy heart pictures will be coming up! Including my "bloody" hands ;) be prepared! Muahuahuahua


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