Monday 17 January 2011


I did some shopping a few days ago. And I bought some really nice stuff :3 Enjoy~ !

All the stuff from the Action (shop only exists in The Netherlands/Holland, as far as I know. But the shop absolutely rocks!)
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A pillowcase. Really soft and has swirls which kinda look like roses :3 Really cheap: €1.59. I bought the pillow which is in the pillow case about 6 months ago, already.


A circle scarf. A really like it and it's really long. So nice and warm~ (though I have to watch out with food and so on, since I spill a lot of food on my clothes >.< clumsy) Cost me only: €1.98

And then I also went to some drug stores (Kruidvat and Etos, only known by Dutch people xd) and this is what I got from the Kruidvat:


2 nail polish from Catrice. I've already painted my nails with the one on the left and it gives a nude ultra-light colour. Almost not visible, but that was to be expected. I still think it's a nice polish inspite of that, nude and kinda cute. €2.49 per bottle. I got it in the action buy 1 and get your 2nd product for half the price. Unfortunately for you guys out there it's only sold in The Netherlands (maybe also in Germany.? not sure about that)

From Etos:


A lip cream from Bourjois. I haven't tried this one yet, but I am quite excited about this one. A bit afraid it will give me "clown lips" but I think that's just because I'm not used to a lot of colour on my lips ;) Cost me €11.90 but I bought it in combination with this:


A black liner felt-tip, also from Bourjois. Haven't "really" tried it either. Cost me €10.90 quite a lot for just a felt-tip, for my feeling. Let's hope it works, and I'll try it out tomorrow and hopefully make some photos with both Bourjois products on. This was bought with a buy 1 get 1 free action. Otherwise I probably wouldn't buy such an expensive felt-tip.

This was it~ I hope you enjoyed. Hopefully I'll write some good articles this week, since I got quite a lot of time spare (since I feel like I write quite a lot of crappy articles...)

Enjoy your day~ and be happy~ 

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