Wednesday 19 January 2011


Asians love soy. They drink soymilk, eat tofu, soy beans. Yum Yum. But who knew that it actually is really healthy. Also a funny fact is: Most Asians are allergic to dairy products, cow milk. So that's why they consume soy.

But what's so good about soy...? 
  • Soy contains isoflavones/phystoetrogens which are potent antioxidants and protease inhibitors. The protease inhibitors can shut of the pigmentation and if you use it for a long period, it will actually lighten your skin and reduce the redness. Making your skin looking glow and radiant. 
  • Isoflavones/phystoetrogens will make your skin young, plump and luminious. 
  • The soy lipids are high in vitamin E, vitamin E helps repairing damaged skin tissues

Sounds pretty cool right. I really want to try a soy moisturiser right now, it sounds pretty cool. Maybe I should go for Aveeno or so, it doesn't seem that expensive..? I think. Only problem is the availability :( You Americans can buy it in-store, I probably can't. But anyway, they have a moisturiser with SPF 30! 

I also read that if you consumed soy during your pregnancy, you would get a really cute (well, babies are always cute :3), chubby and fair baby~ 

Also going off-topic now. I want to try some things from Neutrogena. I think skincare is your real basis, if you have a beautiful radiant skin, there's no need to put layers and layers of make-up on :3.
Neutrogena has some really nice moisturisers, with SPF of course! And on their site I saw a toner which seemed really cool, only availability :( again... Booo~ 

xxx We love Soy~ FTW

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