Monday 31 January 2011

Quick Update!

I'm not on my own laptop at the minute so I can't post any pictures or anything (OOTD or so)

I've been getting tests every week. Every weekend I feel deadly tired. And I just want to sleep. On top of that I caught a cold on Friday :( I've been sniffing, coughing and sneezing around the house. And sometimes my congested nose gives me a headache... I guess the an epidemic is going around.

But... I have a sudden urge to knit a sweater, or it's just the feeling of wanting to have a cute oversized sweater. If I start knitting a sweater, I'd most probably leave it and never finish it, knowing me.
Something like this, only not with all the holes ;)
Yesterday I've been reading a book for almost the whole day. The Hunger Games is the name. The book was so exciting! But I'm not satisfied with the ending and I want more! (2 books left $-$) I read it in Dutch but I really want to read it in English. Will be good for my language :3 But anyway, the book was AWESOME! (so awesome I couldn't stop reading and finished it in 1 day :))

My quickie update will end here... I have a biology test on Thursday, so to prepare myself well, I won't write anything on Wednesday, probably pre-written stuff... hopefully.? Or maybe something I've pre-written but still have to attach pictures to *wink* *wink* Stay tuned!

xoxo Don't catch a cold there!

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