Friday 21 January 2011

Update on my "resolutions" (:

You wanna know how "well" I'm sticking to my resolutions? A quickie update here!

Keeping up with the posting every day. Well, I think this one is actually quite good, I have been updating almost daily and the only thing is most of the time I don't have very interesting things I talk about~ boo, I feel bad if I buy many stuff which I can review or clothes to show off.

Going to bed on time, and get 8 hours of sleep. This one is quite a fail :( unfortunately, and I must say, I'm TIRED... I barely get 7 hours of sleep :/ really bad, because I haven't been drinking coffee as well :/ which could be really helpful.

Losing weight/fat. I must say, the first weeks I was really excited (as usual) and the last couple of weeks have been really bad. But maybe it's time for that again...? That's why I have an urge to eat all the time, even when I'm not hungry and even when I've already eaten way too much (I love Oreo's :3). Also, since a few weeks I've been trying MyFitnessPal app on my Itouch (thanks to SecretLifeOfABionerd, great tip) but since I eat so much, it's really depressing to count my calories and see I'm way over my limit =-=...

Exercise everyday. I'm quite content with this one :3 I've been keeping up pretty well.  20 min. on school days 1h in the weekend. I even run longer (sometimes) on school days :D yeah!

Apply sunscreen every day. Meeh, since I haven't really got a good sunscreen (only sunscreen meant for your body, but it's too oily and besides my skin's already very oily) I won't apply it, because it'll my skin out.

Sewing clothes/being crafty, I don't have time :( unless I have vacation I can't do many things besides feeling exhausted, doing homework and keeping up with all the posting.

Slack off... Big HMMM... This one is quite a failure... Instead of slacking off, I keep doing less homework O.O I KNOW, I have to improve... but not now. After this week I will improve

I'll really try to work on it! Gambatte, you guys will work together with me on your great, good resolutions? I thought by writing this it could motivate me again...? Let's hope (:

Today it snowed again :( luckily not for a very long time. One girl in my class was like: "Damn, damn, damn! It's snowing again!" and my Chemistry Teacher was like: "Well, duh! It's winter!" =-= such a "smartass" 

I'm probably going to go shopping tomorrow, I may find some nice things :3. Otherwise I'll do some window shopping :( but I'll bring my camera with me :)

I know it's bad to starve yourself, and I'm not encouraging you to do it, but I already know I'm going to eat so much stuff tomorrow (we're going out to eat at a restaurant :3) and I've already eaten so much today and the day before etc :( boo~ I'm bad... I don't dare to stand on my scale O.O

I'm cuddling up with a fleece blanket :3 I look tired like hell~

~~~~~ xxx

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