Friday 28 January 2011

Friday/Saturday Blabber

Yes, it's weekend time again~ Yeeah =) my time to relax again. Something I really need.

Today began a bit bad, I overslept for like 8 min. and I still had to take a shower and all the other things, total STRESS. In my rush I forgot to check my mobile phone and I didn't see my friend actually text messaged me, which caused me to wait for quite a while =( and it was -3 C... It wasn't really cold, especially because when I finally left it was quite late, so I figured I should bike in turbo-mode, which made me warm =)

Not to forget I had quite the terror because I had a Chemistry test today, but I forgot my book in my locker so I couldn't study, yesterday... Stress at school...

Boo, my day was so stressful. I can't stand stressful days >.< not my thing...

Tomorrow I'll post an OOTD, probably... and I want to do more internet finding things... I'm depressed because I haven't surfed on the internet that much lately, damn those tests every single week and that mountain of homework. Screw you!

On the other hand, I've been faithfully exercising every day =) I don't know if I actually lost weight because my digital scale ran out of batteries =-= but the funny thing I discovered was. My waist in the morning was 62 cm and at night after all the eating it's 67 cm O.O It could be just because I ate a bit more than normal on that day, but.. difference is quite big, for my feeling.

There's an epidemic flu going around right now and I think I'm catching a cold here! =( Hopefully I won't be sick, otherwise I'll miss tests which is something I don't want to do in my free time.

I really want to keep updating, and I must seem like an idiot xd because I get excited over the most stupid things (but usually get depressed right after the excitement) but yeah... I don't know if I should really set my blog as my first priority =-= *thinks hard* I sometimes feel like useless since I only have few visitors (which could be just because of me :') my writing style sucks or I don't promote myself that well) but when I don't post anything I feel like I "abandon" those few ones out there (even though they're not even regular visitors O.O I'm really an idiot :'))

Anyway, if my inspiration lets me I'll make more interesting posts, but I do kinda like just blabbering around talking about random things xd, that's just me. Writing is more easily for me than talking ;)


Don't catch a cold! And take good care of yourself ! ;)

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