Thursday 23 December 2010

My current make-up wish list

I'm not really into make-up (yet) because I'd rather not wear heavy make-up to school or so, like eye-shadow (eyeshadow doesn't have to be heavy though, but I always get the feeling it'll cost time (yay, for lazy people who just want to sleep and are always in a hurry in the morning)

But things like foundation, concealer, lip gloss and maybe light-coloured lipstick (not heavy like red or so) are things I could wear to school (or even a highlighter for that healthy glow)
So things that I want at the moment:

  •  Foundation, powder foundation, not liquid because my skin becomes quite oily during the day)
  •  Concealer, liquid, I have quite dark bags under my eyes, but they're not really puffy I'd say (I've seen pretty bad ones so... As for the brand I've been thinking about Maybelline
  • Light-coloured lip gloss, I'd like a sweet light pink colour, looks so cute (though I have a slight feeling you'll hardly see anything on my lips itself but... it always looks so cute those light colours
I don't really want lipstick, at the moment I favour lip gloss more, but maybe I'll be in a phase later, that I wear a lot of lipstick, who knows. 

Also, I'm very into expensive make-up (yet) I think that if you can find good stuff in drugstores then it's good. But of course some expensive brands are better than drugstores (even I believe that) like MAC, even though expensive doesn't have to mean it's good. I think a 14-year old girl needs expensive make-up like that (though if it's skincare it's quite normal if someone that age with severe acne buys expensive brands because he/she has tried all the cheaper brands and it just didn't work. Now I'm talking about skincare, absolutely don't buy Clearasil! There are lots of people out there thinking Clearasil helps you get rid of your blemishes but it doesn't! It's just chemical crap and my sister and me tried it, but it didn't work, I still had the same amount of blemishes)

OK, on-topic again... xD For me, just nude stuff, no heavy make-up. Also no lip plumpers for me. I think my lips are already big enough (>.<) I actually don't like my thick lips (O.O)

I also think that this wish list will be there for a long time. My dad always gives me this look when I want to buy beauty stuff, like: "You don't need all this stuff, stop wasting my money" or so xD LOL

What's your wish list considering make-up? Tell me~ ! I'd love to know yours.

Nyoro~n xoxo-ies

edit: I also forgot to mention eye brow pencil. I think it's also wearable to school if you apply it correctly, but I'm still such a noob in those things, I still have to learn a lot in that area ;)

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