Saturday 25 December 2010

Having a clearer, healthy skin

I'm just like you guys. I live a normal life and I have blemishes. I won't say it's acne (except if you call every blemish you get, acne). My skin is not as bad as someone with acne has. I know I shouldn't complain because there are people with severe acne and suffer from it for a very long time (and of course there are worse stuff than you skin breaking out or so) Deep down everyone wants to have a clear skin, I think. Not everyone is blessed with it unfortunately. But people can't have everything, that's something that I've had to accept over these years. I have a sister, and she has quite severe acne, I'd say, but I think she looks amazing and is amazing for the remaining parts. As I said earlier, I don't suffer from acne but I do have blemishes on my face, I don't have as much as my sister has. But I'm not as amazing as her. One day we also had a discussion: What would you rather have; a nice, slim body with an ugly face full of blemishes or a fat body with a clean, beautiful face. And as expected she chose for the 2nd option and I chose for the 1st one. As an argument she used: "If you have a fat body, you can always work on that. Blemishes won't go away no matter what you try, for my feeling."

Well, the truth is, neither will go away except if you use plastic surgery or really heavy treatments against acne (for the real REAL severe ones, otherwise you'll just have to buy good expensive stuff), but let's not go that far. I'm not as skinny as a lot of those Asians are. I work hard to lose weight but it just doesn't work. I'm too easily tempted with food. I kept telling her that losing weight isn't easy, you do have to work hard for it and you have to have a lot of discipline. Don't eat crisps/chips (only once in a while), don't eat too much chocolate, don't eat too many cookies. I know for sure that if she was fat, she couldn't resist all that.

OK, I was getting a bit too carried away I guess. Let's get back to business. Some things that I use for a better skin:

  • Every day I take in brewer's yeast. Yeast is a source of B-complex vitamins. They help to maintain the muscles used for digestion and keep the skin, liver, hair eyes and mouth healthy. Apparently it could also help with weight loss (never knew that O.O shame on me) but there's no real proof of that, yet. Though scientists do say it helps with weight management.
  • I wash my face in the morning and evening. This one is logical. Of course you wash your face every morning and evening. Wash off all those damn bacteria and feel clean ;)
  • Use a good cleanser. I have to admit, I'm being a bit of a hypocrite now, because I also don't use a proper cleanser yet :o shame on me again. I'm thinking of buying one from The Beauty Bakery, 100% natural and not super expensive.
  • I'm not sure if this really helps but, drink a lot especially water and tea (without sugar to be extra healthy ;)). I try to drink at least 1.5 L a day. When you make a real habit out of it you won't drink anything else at home.
  • As for tea I drink Oolong and Green tea. They could both help with weight loss and have antioxidants, though I have not confirmed the part about weight loss yet, probably because I still eat too much :o. Green tea could also lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
  • I try to get at least 8 hours of sleep. Saying this will also make me kind of a hypocrite. On school days I almost never get 8 hours of sleep, I'm just too busy or have been lazing around for too long and still have to do homework just before going to bed :') hehe. Getting enough sleep doesn't only give your skin the peace it needs, it also contributes to reducing your dark circles, a bit, they still don't disappear after sleeping for so many hours with me :') Genes...
  • Avoid greasy- and fast food. Is quite doable for me... Maybe my new motivation? Telling myself it's better when I don't eat French fries because it's better for my skin AND better for losing weight.
(seeing this makes me hungry :p)

Let's get healthy-nyan!


edit: PS. I forgot to mention, Omega 3 is also good for your skin (and your brain ;)) Let's eat fish yay!

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