Monday 31 January 2011

Quick Update!

I'm not on my own laptop at the minute so I can't post any pictures or anything (OOTD or so)

I've been getting tests every week. Every weekend I feel deadly tired. And I just want to sleep. On top of that I caught a cold on Friday :( I've been sniffing, coughing and sneezing around the house. And sometimes my congested nose gives me a headache... I guess the an epidemic is going around.

But... I have a sudden urge to knit a sweater, or it's just the feeling of wanting to have a cute oversized sweater. If I start knitting a sweater, I'd most probably leave it and never finish it, knowing me.
Something like this, only not with all the holes ;)
Yesterday I've been reading a book for almost the whole day. The Hunger Games is the name. The book was so exciting! But I'm not satisfied with the ending and I want more! (2 books left $-$) I read it in Dutch but I really want to read it in English. Will be good for my language :3 But anyway, the book was AWESOME! (so awesome I couldn't stop reading and finished it in 1 day :))

My quickie update will end here... I have a biology test on Thursday, so to prepare myself well, I won't write anything on Wednesday, probably pre-written stuff... hopefully.? Or maybe something I've pre-written but still have to attach pictures to *wink* *wink* Stay tuned!

xoxo Don't catch a cold there!

Friday 28 January 2011

Friday/Saturday Blabber

Yes, it's weekend time again~ Yeeah =) my time to relax again. Something I really need.

Today began a bit bad, I overslept for like 8 min. and I still had to take a shower and all the other things, total STRESS. In my rush I forgot to check my mobile phone and I didn't see my friend actually text messaged me, which caused me to wait for quite a while =( and it was -3 C... It wasn't really cold, especially because when I finally left it was quite late, so I figured I should bike in turbo-mode, which made me warm =)

Not to forget I had quite the terror because I had a Chemistry test today, but I forgot my book in my locker so I couldn't study, yesterday... Stress at school...

Boo, my day was so stressful. I can't stand stressful days >.< not my thing...

Tomorrow I'll post an OOTD, probably... and I want to do more internet finding things... I'm depressed because I haven't surfed on the internet that much lately, damn those tests every single week and that mountain of homework. Screw you!

On the other hand, I've been faithfully exercising every day =) I don't know if I actually lost weight because my digital scale ran out of batteries =-= but the funny thing I discovered was. My waist in the morning was 62 cm and at night after all the eating it's 67 cm O.O It could be just because I ate a bit more than normal on that day, but.. difference is quite big, for my feeling.

There's an epidemic flu going around right now and I think I'm catching a cold here! =( Hopefully I won't be sick, otherwise I'll miss tests which is something I don't want to do in my free time.

I really want to keep updating, and I must seem like an idiot xd because I get excited over the most stupid things (but usually get depressed right after the excitement) but yeah... I don't know if I should really set my blog as my first priority =-= *thinks hard* I sometimes feel like useless since I only have few visitors (which could be just because of me :') my writing style sucks or I don't promote myself that well) but when I don't post anything I feel like I "abandon" those few ones out there (even though they're not even regular visitors O.O I'm really an idiot :'))

Anyway, if my inspiration lets me I'll make more interesting posts, but I do kinda like just blabbering around talking about random things xd, that's just me. Writing is more easily for me than talking ;)


Don't catch a cold! And take good care of yourself ! ;)

Thursday 27 January 2011

The Body Shop Pure Detox mask Review

I know, I'm bad at reviews >.< but still I want to help you guys. So this time a review on The Body Shop Pure Detox Clarifying Clay Mask.

picture isn't from me ;)

It contains: Wasabi, algae and Dead-Sea mud. They promise to give your skin feeling fresh and looking radiant...

This mask isn't specifically for you face, you can also use it for you body. When you apply it your face feels warm, probably because of the wasabi :3. It doesn't smell bad but I won't say that I love the smell,,, it's just normal smell, not annoying or so.

Directions: Apply to wet skin. Smooth over body, mask warms on application, then rinse after 15 minutes. Maximise results by wrapping treated area in plastic body wrap. With moisturising Community Trade marula oil. If product gets in eyes rins with clean water. 

Apologies for my "stoned" face... must've been tired
Here I've cleansed my face and it's ready for mask appliance ;) See the damn pimples...? Yeah,, they suck


Applied it all over my face, as you can see I'm so super photogenic... *cough* *cough* also more apologies because I didn't feel like editing the pictures,, looks a bit too bright here >.<


And a clean face again...

Results...? My pimples aren't gone and I must say I still have lots of them left... maybe they're just too annoying. What I did feel was that my skin was pretty soft and fluffy. The first time I removed the mask my face was burning like hell! I didn't like it that much... but after a few times I kinda got used to it, now I see it as a kinda burning feeling, but it's not bad or so xd.

I always thought clay masks would dry up "hard" (you know, as if you can't move your face anymore) But this one doesn't! (good if you don't like that feeling) unfortunately for me, when it doesn't dry up that hard I feel like it doesn't purify and cleanse (pull out those ugly black heads) as good.

I did once use it for a spot treatment, and the next day my pimple had pus coming out... (ok this sounds gross!) I think it was kinda good, but I haven't tried it for a 2nd time so I'm not sure if the mask did that.

Be careful if you have sensitive skin! I did have a slightly red skin after removing the mask (maybe it was due to the "heat") I also saw in the ingredients that it contains Silicon (mask contains Dimethicone) so if you want to avoid silicons I advise you to avoid this. For me, it doesn't matter, because in this case it didn't break me out or anything so...

Overall, I think the mask is nice and especially in winter because it feels nice and warm. Afterwards your skin feels soft, but unfortunately it doesn't really help against those blemishes =( which is a bummer. But I won't buy this a second time because it's not as deep cleansing as I thought/hoped it would be.


So I updated it a bit, since I'm getting more views now and the previous sucked very bad. Hope it has improved a bit >_<"

Monday 24 January 2011

Healthy fruits~

Fruit is healthy~ yeah! They can do good things for your skin and some are just too delicious.

The healthiest fruit on the world is Guava. Unfortunately it's not easy to get so as an alternative you can eat Watermelon. But next to Watermelon and Guava, Kiwis and Papaya are also very healthy. Blueberries are full of antioxidants and dried Apricots are a source of fibre...

What fruits are really healthy for your skin and why?
Berries have many antioxidants which are really healthy for your skin. Your skin will looove it. (and you'll be as healthy as a fish...? Or do you have to say like a horse...?

I also found that you can eat Apples to improve your acne. But you've got to eat 3-4 apples a day to see something, they say. Maybe I should try this, ask my mum to buy lots of apples from a farmer and eat lots and lots of them, is also a lot healthier for me, and is good in my "losing weight" process.

Apricots are also really good to improve acne. High in minerals, fibre and beta-carotene.

Strawberries... Yum~ they say strawberries are a super anti-acne fruits. Unfortunately, here we don't have many strawberries, that are sweet and sooo nice and fluffy.

Bananas are also good for you skin, because they contain a sugar (I think..? I'm so reliable~) which eats on good bacteria and because it's "eating" all the good bacteria the bad bacteria won't overtake (the bad bacteria produce a toxic acid which can create acne)

There was also a fruit called Cantaloupes, but I've NEVER heard of it... They say it's ultra high in vitamin A and C and also have other minerals. They can be good against any skin problems.

took picture from Google~ so this is a cantaloupe...? Interesting xd
Two other fruits which are good against acne due to their antibiotic effect: Grapes and Figs

Do you guys, after reading this, also feel like eating lots and lots of fruit? I do~ yeah!

I'm not that smart to know this myself, of course... >.< I used Google as my resource and put it all together in 1 post so you guys can read it all~

Boo~ I've gotta get studying now, for German and Economics :( I have at least 1 test a week >.< Suckie... may not seem much, but you do have to study for tests you know...

Also I still want to make a whole new banner and so on... but I've been trying some things with Photoshop but it doesn't cooperate :( boo~ Hopefully when I have time I will work on a banner.

xxx Get healthy! Eat lots of fruit and improve your skin :) (You can also make your own masks :3)

A blurry photo, taken in a hurry... But me still wishes you a nice day~

Sunday 23 January 2011

I found a new workout routine!

So I'm trying to lose weight here, and I have found new inspiration.

She looks so skinny~ and elastic O.O *envious* I will try and do this workout every day! You other weight losing people gonna work on it with me? Yeah~! Hope this will tone up my legs a bit.. unfortunately I can't do the exercise in the kitchen xd (Lol) When I go down with my legs I hit the cupboards =-= whoopsie... Gotta find something else to get rid of the jiggly parts under my arms. Maybe triceps?

And you know I train my legs every week but wall sitting hurts like hell =-= boo, my legs are sore.

Hopefully I really have the time to do this workout everyday, otherwise I will make time if I'm really desperate to see results.

I'll keep you posted~!


edit: Part 2 of her workout is up =D let's get sport y'all

If it wasn't clear for you guys yet,,, this isn't me,, of course this is the beautiful luvableviet

Saturday 22 January 2011

Saturday Haul

Another haul (so fast O.O), because I went shopping again   ~ me likey!

I'll start off with the stuff from a really cheap shop, doesn't really have a name, but has cheap stuff :3


Knee high socks. Unfortunately they're a bit tight around my legs... boo MySpace I don't like my legs... €2.99 not that bad I think.


This is a kind off tool, which shaves your hair, but it can get really close to your skin and hairs...? OK, my description is weird but I don't know how to describe >.< cl2425 has a video in which this tool appears, if it'll make it more clear I recommend you watching it.

These depilating/shaving tools cost me €1.25 not very expensive I'd say, we'll see how it works :3


I also bought this really cute doll which I attached to my bag. It also promises this:

hope it's readable >.<
Some believe in these things, some don't. I do believe in some of these things, but I bought it mostly because it looks cute. This doll cost €1.50

Now something from Rituals:

A conditioner from Rituals! Yeah, I'm super excited to use this one. I had a sniff in the store and it smelled like heaven At first it cost €8.90 but I got it for €4.45 (50% off :)) They have really nice scented things and they had a huge sale. If the other items will be in sale one day, I'll definitely buy it! (and if it never gets in sale I'll still buy it, because it smells good) I'm not sure if it's sold outside the Netherlands, though...

Lastly I went to "De Tuinen" over there I bought this cream: 

I'm also super excited about this one. Hopefully it'll whiten my skin. It cost me €9.49 

I also saw a cleanser and another cream which also sounded pretty promising, but I didn't have enough money and well, you can't use everything all at once and I can always buy it later. "De Tuinen" only exists in the Netherlands, of course. But maybe Dr. Organic is sold in other countries. They also asked for my ZIP code and when I gave mine they gave me this sample:


Yay, for a Yes To Carrots Body Butter. Don't know when I'll try it, but I'll see >w<

Today was daddy's birthday, but I feel very sorry for him because me and my sister made him wait so many times. "You guys go to the Etos afterwards? I'll go to the ANWB now" (we were standing in that really cheap shop I bought those handy shaving/depilating tools and we stayed there for so long he actually came to look for usMySpace  and after that we'd also go to the Kruidvat and some other shops, and we ended up at De Tuinen, stayed there too long, thinking about what to choose xd and poor daddy had to wait at the supermarket... Awwh I feel so sorry for the poor guy.

Anyway, in the evening we went to a restaurant, and of course I ate too much >.< I'm so stuffed... I always eat too much at restaurants, but it gave me some new motivation to eat salads for lunch or so (healthy and low on calories)

Hoped you enjoyed it.


Friday 21 January 2011

Update on my "resolutions" (:

You wanna know how "well" I'm sticking to my resolutions? A quickie update here!

Keeping up with the posting every day. Well, I think this one is actually quite good, I have been updating almost daily and the only thing is most of the time I don't have very interesting things I talk about~ boo, I feel bad if I buy many stuff which I can review or clothes to show off.

Going to bed on time, and get 8 hours of sleep. This one is quite a fail :( unfortunately, and I must say, I'm TIRED... I barely get 7 hours of sleep :/ really bad, because I haven't been drinking coffee as well :/ which could be really helpful.

Losing weight/fat. I must say, the first weeks I was really excited (as usual) and the last couple of weeks have been really bad. But maybe it's time for that again...? That's why I have an urge to eat all the time, even when I'm not hungry and even when I've already eaten way too much (I love Oreo's :3). Also, since a few weeks I've been trying MyFitnessPal app on my Itouch (thanks to SecretLifeOfABionerd, great tip) but since I eat so much, it's really depressing to count my calories and see I'm way over my limit =-=...

Exercise everyday. I'm quite content with this one :3 I've been keeping up pretty well.  20 min. on school days 1h in the weekend. I even run longer (sometimes) on school days :D yeah!

Apply sunscreen every day. Meeh, since I haven't really got a good sunscreen (only sunscreen meant for your body, but it's too oily and besides my skin's already very oily) I won't apply it, because it'll my skin out.

Sewing clothes/being crafty, I don't have time :( unless I have vacation I can't do many things besides feeling exhausted, doing homework and keeping up with all the posting.

Slack off... Big HMMM... This one is quite a failure... Instead of slacking off, I keep doing less homework O.O I KNOW, I have to improve... but not now. After this week I will improve

I'll really try to work on it! Gambatte, you guys will work together with me on your great, good resolutions? I thought by writing this it could motivate me again...? Let's hope (:

Today it snowed again :( luckily not for a very long time. One girl in my class was like: "Damn, damn, damn! It's snowing again!" and my Chemistry Teacher was like: "Well, duh! It's winter!" =-= such a "smartass" 

I'm probably going to go shopping tomorrow, I may find some nice things :3. Otherwise I'll do some window shopping :( but I'll bring my camera with me :)

I know it's bad to starve yourself, and I'm not encouraging you to do it, but I already know I'm going to eat so much stuff tomorrow (we're going out to eat at a restaurant :3) and I've already eaten so much today and the day before etc :( boo~ I'm bad... I don't dare to stand on my scale O.O

I'm cuddling up with a fleece blanket :3 I look tired like hell~

~~~~~ xxx

Thursday 20 January 2011

Real Serious talk again

Yes, I felt like doing this again. It's just something that was on my mind.

Yesterday night, I couldn't sleep... I was thinking about things and I felt kinda depressed. Thinking about sad things, I suddenly felt like crying.

We human beings are living on this world... Slowly "destroying" it. <--- this wasn't actually what I was thinking about.

But, yesterday night I started thinking about this: A girl, in my primary school, who died very young. (OK, this is not very interesting for you guys I think... but yeah... A bit of a side story and there'll be a conclusion in the end ;)

So this girl was very young, and I remembered the day her sister told the whole class, that her baby-sister had cancer. In the beginning everyone was quite positive, and at that time I didn't even realize that much about those things. But who knew months later, or years. She actually died, when she was only 4-years old. It made me quite sad thinking about it. Kinda "torturing" myself, because I think it's stupid that I worry about the smallest details. I shouldn't, I can live.

I didn't even personally know the girl, I didn't even talk to her. Yet at her ceremony I cried :'( really hard and yesterday again, I felt like crying, thinking back at that ceremony where many kids were crying, because of her, and they didn't even know her, just like me.

Thinking about those things I made a decision. If I ever had a wish, I wouldn't use it for myself. If I ever get the chance to make a wish it'll be this: "I wish there would be a cure to cancer." (and I mean all, because some are already curable) since this one seemed a bit realistic, instead of: "I wish there were no diseases." I think, that just doesn't exist, unfortunately. Yeah, it's something which I decided, something non-selfish.

This could be one of the reasons I want to study medicines, to be able to help people. I can't bear to see people in pain, it makes me cry... Of course there's no ideal world, where there's no pain, no hatred. We gotta live with that.

To make this post, not that sad (I don't want to ruin your days ;)) I need some advice. Should I make videos? I'm not really a pro in those kind of things... and I hate my voice (or maybe I should talk with a higher voice, it  could sound less crappy? ;_;) and I have an accent. Yes, I'm not a native speaker, I won't say my English is that bad, otherwise I couldn't be writing posts in English. But I do think I have quite a bad accent >.< at school they don't say a thing about it (I don't mean to brag, but they say my pronunciation is quite good Ö) but yeah, I'm quite the perfectionist y'know.

To end this post, making a "conclusion": will you wish/pray together with me? Wish for a cure for that awful disease.

Actually now I've written down all these things, I'm already doubting my "wishes" but yeah, let's just make it my belief, if I use the correct words.

WebCam pic (>-<)

I wish y'all a nice day! Don't let things get you down and be happy.


PS. If this by accident looks like something some other blogger/youtuber has written/done. It's pure coincidence. I'm smart enough to know I shouldn't be copying: You can't be successful unless you're original. If my blog is the same like "others" people would be like: "Ah, another one of those ...?"

Wednesday 19 January 2011


Asians love soy. They drink soymilk, eat tofu, soy beans. Yum Yum. But who knew that it actually is really healthy. Also a funny fact is: Most Asians are allergic to dairy products, cow milk. So that's why they consume soy.

But what's so good about soy...? 
  • Soy contains isoflavones/phystoetrogens which are potent antioxidants and protease inhibitors. The protease inhibitors can shut of the pigmentation and if you use it for a long period, it will actually lighten your skin and reduce the redness. Making your skin looking glow and radiant. 
  • Isoflavones/phystoetrogens will make your skin young, plump and luminious. 
  • The soy lipids are high in vitamin E, vitamin E helps repairing damaged skin tissues

Sounds pretty cool right. I really want to try a soy moisturiser right now, it sounds pretty cool. Maybe I should go for Aveeno or so, it doesn't seem that expensive..? I think. Only problem is the availability :( You Americans can buy it in-store, I probably can't. But anyway, they have a moisturiser with SPF 30! 

I also read that if you consumed soy during your pregnancy, you would get a really cute (well, babies are always cute :3), chubby and fair baby~ 

Also going off-topic now. I want to try some things from Neutrogena. I think skincare is your real basis, if you have a beautiful radiant skin, there's no need to put layers and layers of make-up on :3.
Neutrogena has some really nice moisturisers, with SPF of course! And on their site I saw a toner which seemed really cool, only availability :( again... Booo~ 

xxx We love Soy~ FTW

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Random blabber~ gross stuff

Yes, another random one. Since I have so many things I want to share.

Guess when it started pouring? Guess who had to bike through the pouring rain? Yes, ME! Again... but this one was pretty bad. It rained so hard. My eyes were hurting (I was wearing contact lenses) >.<

The leggings I wore, were completely wet, dark, sticky and I had a hard time taking off my leggings. I wanted to make pictures so you could see how terrorised I was... and yes I was also wearing mascara. It was a waterproof one, but I guess not even waterproof is able to withstand such a pouring rain... =-= yeah. But the thing that amazed me was, it didn't smear out in stripes, whatever, you know, a big black area underneath your eyes,,, but there were those small "grains" underneath...? This was my Max Factor Lash Extension, I wanted to make pictures of it, so you could actually see it, but the moment I got home I took a shower and put on some clean, dry clothes. And then I ate something xd lol.

Another "adventure" of me, today. You know what I did today...? Psst, you have to click, since it may be considered as "shocking" to some of you fellas ;). You got the balls and you'll click!

Monday 17 January 2011


I did some shopping a few days ago. And I bought some really nice stuff :3 Enjoy~ !

All the stuff from the Action (shop only exists in The Netherlands/Holland, as far as I know. But the shop absolutely rocks!)
Add caption

A pillowcase. Really soft and has swirls which kinda look like roses :3 Really cheap: €1.59. I bought the pillow which is in the pillow case about 6 months ago, already.


A circle scarf. A really like it and it's really long. So nice and warm~ (though I have to watch out with food and so on, since I spill a lot of food on my clothes >.< clumsy) Cost me only: €1.98

And then I also went to some drug stores (Kruidvat and Etos, only known by Dutch people xd) and this is what I got from the Kruidvat:


2 nail polish from Catrice. I've already painted my nails with the one on the left and it gives a nude ultra-light colour. Almost not visible, but that was to be expected. I still think it's a nice polish inspite of that, nude and kinda cute. €2.49 per bottle. I got it in the action buy 1 and get your 2nd product for half the price. Unfortunately for you guys out there it's only sold in The Netherlands (maybe also in Germany.? not sure about that)

From Etos:


A lip cream from Bourjois. I haven't tried this one yet, but I am quite excited about this one. A bit afraid it will give me "clown lips" but I think that's just because I'm not used to a lot of colour on my lips ;) Cost me €11.90 but I bought it in combination with this:


A black liner felt-tip, also from Bourjois. Haven't "really" tried it either. Cost me €10.90 quite a lot for just a felt-tip, for my feeling. Let's hope it works, and I'll try it out tomorrow and hopefully make some photos with both Bourjois products on. This was bought with a buy 1 get 1 free action. Otherwise I probably wouldn't buy such an expensive felt-tip.

This was it~ I hope you enjoyed. Hopefully I'll write some good articles this week, since I got quite a lot of time spare (since I feel like I write quite a lot of crappy articles...)

Enjoy your day~ and be happy~ 

Sunday 16 January 2011

Sephora Lip Gloss Review

Yay~ another review again! This time a review on Sephora's ultra-shine lipgloss in 28.


The colour of the lip gloss is red, it kinda reminds me of raspberries. It comes with a sponge applicator. Let's go to the swatches~

Without lip gloss

With lip gloss~ 

As you can see it gives a nice red colour. If you build up more layers it will become darker, of course. But for this swatch I only applied 1 quick layer (I was in a hurry >.< sloppy application)

The smell is a bit sweet, it doesn't smell awful (I've smelled some really awful gloss in the past >.< yuck) so yay for that.

The gloss is sticky, but not ultra-sticky. It will survive a drink, if you do it carefully. But unfortunately it doesn't survive my trip to school (cycling, is there even a gloss that'll last 30 min. cycling?)

  • Sweet, red colour
  • Nice smell
  • Quite sticky, will be able to survive a drink
  • Sponge applicator (if you like sponge applicators)
  • Shiny finish
Oh no~!:
  • Doesn't survive a cycling trip
If you want a nice red lip gloss. Buy it~! Unfortunately I forgot the price >.< so I can't really judge by that. Overall I do like this lip gloss. Though sometimes I get the feeling red doesn't really look good on me, but yeah...

Enjoy your day~~~

Thursday 13 January 2011

Losing fat

Losing weight is one thing, but with me it's not necessarily the weight that bothers me (well, it does bothers me, actually) fat is something that bothers me a lot >-<

I do "quite a lot of research" because I want to lose the damn fat around my tummy >.< it's so ugly. But there's no such thing as losing fat on just one spot (e.g. your tummy ghehe,,, that word sounds so funny) You lose fat around your tummy, you lose it on your arms and legs (though the amount you lose doesn't have to be equal)

So after all that "research" that I've been doing, I've drawn some conclusions:
  1. You should build up muscle, because those muscles will "eat" those calories when you are running or so
  2. To lose fat you have to run at a slow pace for a longer time, that's when you start to actually lose the fat
  3. The fact: "you should burn more calories than you eat" only prevents new fat. Fat you've produced, shall have to be burned through exercise (I'm sorry, it's something you've just gotta accept >.<)
  4. Don't think "light" food/drinks are healthy. They may sound healthy because they say: "Contains only 1 calorie" or so. But light doesn't give you a saturated feeling. It kinda makes you hungry. And when you eat light stuff, you start eating more and more and more (sometimes thinking, well it's light anyways!) and in the end you've consumed more calories than the "normal" ones contain, because the amount of light stuff you consumed was just so much (OK, is this understandable?) Also my mum kept telling me sweeteners are bad but I don't know the exact things about that...
So since I'm "trying" to lose fat around my tummy I will tell you my "daily" training programme. And you will see that I use those "conclusions" it's not very special or anything and don't expect a heavy "programme"

  • I do like 100 "sit-up like" things, they're called callanatics. I only do this instead of sit-ups because my mum kept saying: "sit-ups are BAD, you should do callanetics" *sigh* In the end I listened to mummy >.< I found a video on YouTube, if you guys are interested >.< the exercise you see at the beginning is the one I'm doing
  • 60 seconds training my dorsal muscles (thank you dictionary?) or if that's not understandable I just call them the muscles in my back/back muscles ;) I feel like a lot of people make mistakes in this one. Remember: "You have to train the muscles in your back if you're training your abs!" If you don't, your back will probably hurt after a while and that really sucks you know.
  • As I mentioned in my Resolutions I run for 20 min. everyday (or at least I try) and in the weekend for 1 hour or so.
  • Cycling for about 1+ hour. I don't do this voluntarily. I have to cycle to school. Got no other choice... >-<
As you can see that's not very hard is it? But next to that I also do another kind of sport 2 times a week and with warming-up we have to do push-ups sometimes.

What I want to "believe": build up muscles around my tummy, so the fat will disappear quicker ;) my theory *thumbs up*

I'm not a hardcore trainer, remember: I'm lazy :')

~~~~~ Laziness FTW

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Ingredients you should avoid...?

If you have a sensitive you might want to be careful with what the products you buy contain. You won't necessarily be allergic for everything and maybe some of your favourite products contain some of these ingredients, but who knows? I'm not saying you MUST avoid them, but maybe it's always better to prevent things like skin eruption or annoying blemishes? And also, won't you feel more assured when using all natural products?

Of course there are MANY of them. And I'm not crazy enough to list all of them, I'd say Google is your new best friend ;) But I will list some of them, the really common and easy ones to avoid
  1. The first one is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) This product makes your products foam. The more foam, the more SLS it contains.
  2. Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES). Also an ingredient which makes your shampoo or body wash foam. Less agressive than SLS, but could still irritate.
  3. Perfume/Fragrance. This isn't really something you should avoid. It's starts to be scary when it's high in the ingredients list. And only if you have a perfume allergy (but that's obvious you should avoid perfume when you have an allergy) or super-ultra sensitive skin, you should really avoid it.
  4. For you the n00bs out there, avoid acetone. It makes your nails fragile and dry if you use it too often. But if you remove your nail polish like twice a month, it doesn't matter (I think it was..?)
  5. Isocetyl Alcohol and Isopropyl Alcohol (both a type of Alcohol) this doesn't cause skin eruption or blemishes, but it dries your skin out. 
I hope this was any useful...? I'm not a super genius and these are just common things, I guess. I'm such a boring person >.<

btw, I want to create another banner FAST,, this one is so ugly, I don't know why I use this one :')


Monday 10 January 2011

Print Leggings

Omg, I LOOOVE printed leggings. It makes them a lot less boring. And also since I have black hair, I tend to avoid black tights and so on, I just avoid a lot of black clothes (>-<)

I haven't seen many in stores, only online. Though my sister did find one (a Nordic print) at The Sting, but... it was about €30,- for a friggin' legging! I know there are people who'd seriously buy that, but that doesn't include me...

I will list some really cute leggings here~ (it's something like a "wish list" but not completely~ hehe I don't know what to call it)

(Nordic print *heart eyes*)

There are also a lot of other print leggings, but I think they're ugly O.O;; I don't like stripes (though if they're vertical, you optically look longer) and those weird swirls of colour.

But I do like hearts, Nordic prints (OK, I admit, I use too many Nordic print images xd) and checked... depends, some I like some I don't. 

I feel like I want to wear more leggings now (not in real cold temperatures, though  >_<) and it makes my legs optically more slim?

I'm sorry if my posting time's are really irregular and sometimes really late, but I want to try and improve >.< and I haven't really figured out if I should favour my blog over homework ...?


Sunday 9 January 2011

Tip if you're not the sporty type and randomness~

I have tip for you guys out there that aren't really the active type (like me >.<) and are too lazy to go to the gym or so (all referring to me >.<)

When you want to be active, it doesn't necessarily have to be outside, or something outside your door. You can also do it inside ;) (why be picky and pay money if you can also be low budget and stay inside) I'd say, just do it at home! (Though if you live in an apartment it would be pretty annoying because I think the people living below you would get annoyed like hell)

And because I don't like to waste time doing nothing or staring at nothing (while you're "running") the thing I do is: watch anime =D but you could also watch other series or watch TV and I promise you, you won't be bored! (if you watch something interesting)

It's cheap (you only pay for the electricity) and less boring than just running around or going to the gym. 'Cause now you have something to watch =D

The only "problem" would be your motivation. You have to be motivated to start, if you don't start... well, nothing will happen (ok, that sounded stupid)

Get sporty!! And get rid of all those extra Christmas kilos >-<

Another thing, I think I'm gonna add one new resolution: Cleaning my hair brush more often. This has been something I've been trying to do more often. But I just keep forgetting it after a while. And then it gets dirtier, and dirtier. 'Til I get to the point it's REALLY dirty, that's when I start cleaning, but usually I'm also demotivated for that, because it'll take "some time" before it's clean again. And it's never 100% clean. I don't know it there's some kind of "method" to make your brush really nice and clean, if there is, tell me!

I'm gonna have to write something for Extra English now... *big sigh* I don't have any inspiration for that :( (though I did have some, 'cause I was able to write a post >.<) I wanna sleep~ it's like 22.43 and I have to get up at 6.30 O.O

I get the feeling I'm only writing random articles >.< that are kinda boring O.o


Lack of posting

So, I've skipped some days >.< I feel kinda guilty. I'm not usually the one to break promises so, I do feel guilty when I break ones. But I can explain myself >.< Lame excuses...

I've been playing games too much >.< no I'm not a game addict. Just recently I've been back "into" playing Goemon (on Nintendo 64, old thing xD) and after a day of playing (me and my sister already reached a certain level, only thing was that we couldn't complete it, because we weren't good enough) we finally reached the end >.< after all the hard work. And god, that made me feel good, lol. But now I'm tired like hell and I feel like going to bed. I know I can't leave that few visitors I have so I will finish this post.
(the perpetrator! xd)
After this I do hope to keep posting everyday and if I really must I have to pre-write in the weekends. Or sleep less.

So have to get crackin' today, after I had my 8 hours of sleep.

I really want to thank the few visitors I have had. Even though I don't know if those are people that keep returning or just new people who randomly find me.

But if you check my blog regularly. THANK YOU! Really from the bottom of my heart, and I'm not a liar so believe me ;)


Massaging your tummy?

My sister has been blabbering things about massaging her fat to her butt (she wants to have a bigger one, lol) so I was thinking like,,, how about I massage the fat 'round my tummy elsewhere =D

Of course I don't know if I should believe this and I also started searching the internet and here's something I found.

There was one page, which said that massaging your tummy does work to reduce fat (you loosen up the area, oxygen can flow better through the body cells, then reaches the adipose tissue, and then the fat breaks up, which is also good to improve metabolic reactions)

Another source of my information confirmed that massaging your tummy actually does improve the metabolic reactions and will help you burn more calories (if you have muscles, because muscles "burn up" all those calories. And it also says that it'll reduce your fat (and decrease your appetite, but I don't see that happening soon with me, I just eat too much >.<)

But still the conclusion is, you can't only massage your tummy (of course!), you have to combine it with exercise. That will give the maximum results I guess.

I want to try this out, but massaging my tummy vigorously every night before going to bed... I wonder if I'll keep up with that...


Thursday 6 January 2011

Max Factor Lash Extension Review

I've been using this mascara for a few months now and I figured since I started blogging I could write a review about it :3. It's a waterproof mascara and the colour is just black.

Apparently it should make your lashes longer. Since I don't have pictures and can't take clear pictures I will just tell you in words how it worked/didn't work for me. 

I'd say, it isn't a super product for me, my lashes look almost the same (only a bit longer than before I applied mascara). This could be just me and I don't necessarily want to be really negative about this one (because it does do something :)). I just think there are better mascaras out there that will make my lashes longer. But maybe it's just because I have small lashes >.< (I don't know :/) or is it like you have to apply many many layers before you see more? I am quite afraid to get big clumpy lashes and me doesn't like those. 

Other remarks, though not from me, but from my sister. She said that everytime she took off the mascara (is this the correct way to say it =-= I don't know :')) she lost a lot of lashes (like they fell out or so :') is that correct English?). I told her that it doesn't necessarily have to do with this mascara but it could also be because it's waterproof. But maybe it is the mascara :') Lol if you want to be ultra sure to not lose lashes, don't buy this.

I almost forgot to mention that during the day, I sometimes notice, there are small black dots (ultra-mini-clumps?) below my eyes, from the mascara, so it kind of "chips" during the day and I find those small black dots. Me doesn't like that either >.< and I'm 100% sure it's from the mascara (hehe,,, I know at least that much)

Quick summary:
Lash extension as they promise: Tiny bit, not like: "whoa,, are these my lashes! They're so long!" no, just a bit longer
Black: Well, my lashes are already black >.<
You have to apply quite a lot of layers if you want something to be really visible, like thicker lashes or so (watch out that they don't become thick clumpy ones >.<) and during the day, after a while "pieces" of mascara chip off.

I don't think I would buy this a second time, because I think you can get better mascaras for maybe the same price or less for something that does the same job as this one. 

Hope this review was useful in any way... >.< Hopefully with the next mascara review, I know how to take good pictures of my lashes! ;)


Wednesday 5 January 2011

Cute hat and other blabber

So... I actually wanted to make a post about Max Factor Las Extension mascara. But then dad's camera run out of battery and I couldn't make any pictures of the swatches. >.< had to take so many photos, and neither of them worked out. It's really hard to work with a camera and make good close-up photos of you eyes, especially if you want to focus on you eyelashes. But other than that. Look at this:

Isn't the hat cute~ the strawberries. If it was without the strawberries it would just be normal. There's also a brown, pink and black version of this hat. But as far as I've seen, they only have this white one and a pink one at YesStyle

I'm a fan of things with print. I have a lot of t-shirts with print, which I always wear underneath a vest or cardigan, makes it just a bit nicer instead of just a plain white or purple top or so. 

Moving on again... with a question. Do you guys like winter? Hehe, yeah, again... my complaints about WINTER. OMG, if it's just cold, it's survivable. But if it's "cycling on ice" it's annoying, depressing and demotivating. Who wants to go to school with the idea that before you reach school you have to try and cycle without falling and crashing, whatever. It's so tiring, and usually I just start walking, just to be sure I won't fall, but it's not like walking is that safe either, I should have ice skates, would make my life a lot easier in winter. >.<. But luckily, the weather forecaster says that it'll be +9 C in the weekend. =D Yay, let's melt away the ice. 

I'm sorry for a boring post again, I really want to try some things, review things, but since the camera kinda died on me, I can't yet and tomorrow I won't have time to take pictures >.< (and mobile phone pictures are not acceptable for me,,, since you can hardly see my lashes :'))

I shall see what my cupboard contains and all, and if there is stuff that I can review >.< but I don't expect much. 

Maybe reviewing a lipgloss would be a lot easier, my lips are more visible than my lashes ... 

xoxo stay warm and I'm sorry if this is a boring post, again...

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Max Factor Kohl Pencil

I bought this pencil quite a while ago, but since I have a blog now I might as well write a review about it. My first one ^^.

It's not a super hard pencil, but it's not super creamy either (I have a creamier one). I apply this on my water line, so my eyes will look bigger ^^ and more awake. 

(please don't mind my eyebrows >.<)

As you can see, you don't see a lot and the line disappears really fast. I'm not satisfied with this pencil :/ This is my first white eye pencil but I think it's not a good one. Anyone any other suggestions on eye pencils?

My conclusion, don't buy Max Factor Kohl Pencil's. They suck, or is it just this one?

Hehe, my first review ;) Hope it is any useful. Since I don't have a lot experience yet >.< sorry!


Monday 3 January 2011


My first NOTD! ^^ Hope you guys like it! I'm really, really sorry for the blurry pictures. I'm just a total noob and don't know how to make close-up pictures. (Yes, I do know how to zoom-in but then the camera won't take any pictures =-= and the pictures are quite blurry now =-=)

(without flash)
(with flash)
I have such amazing skills... >.< Not.

The nail polish is from Gosh and the colour is 540 Ocean.

It's a bit blue-greenish, not sure what colour you have to name it. And the polish has small glitters in it. And I think it's really a nice colour, not the colour you'd see everyday ;)

I really need coffee now! I'm so tired and almost couldn't stay awake at school due to my lack of sleep which is something I always have on the first day of school after a break. But I think I won't get enough sleep tonight either, since I still have to run =-=, resolutions, resolutions...


Sunday 2 January 2011

Things you should be expecting~ and some random talk

Tomorrow school is starting again *big sigh*. Let's get crackin' with all those marks I'll be getting back, especially Geography, I almost gambled EVERY question, and it wasn't multiple choice =-= fail...

But, since school is starting again, OOTD will be coming up, because in vacations I only wear like jogging pants and a sweater (not very fashionable, but it's not like I have to go out in the vacations ;))

Also, more NOTD, since I'll be polishing my nails every week again, if I'm not getting lazy >.<

I hope I will keep posting every day, otherwise I'll just have to write posts in weekends and then post them on the day itself, or automatic posts. Because, I also have a life. Everybody has a life. I always think: "Don't criticise people when you know nothing." (cliché) 

I also hope to review some stuff, but I don't have many stuff. I do have body lotions and all, but I don't know what to write about them.

I did recently buy a new mascara from L'ORÉAL PARIS, but I'll have to finish another one first before I open a new one (hehe, I'm really strict in this xd). And since I haven't found out how I make pictures of my lashes, I can't review it yet, with good pictures and so on. 

Maybe there'll be a haul coming up, I want to buy clothes from YesStyle, not sure yet, but we'll see.

Or if I have enough time and work hard, there'll be a post about my new circle scarf I'm making at the moment. Too bad the vacation's over, less time to get all crafty :(

I'm sorry for this boring post, but at the moment I couldn't think of anything to write >.< shame on me, I know.

I have to get crackin' now, do homework, repair my bag, and get crocheting? So busy... (and yes I know, I'm not the only one and shouldn't be complaining >.<)


Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New Year

Akemashite omedetto! Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! Happy New Year!

Be happy, smile, love, be loved, healthy, careful, safe, honest.


Resolutions 2011

A new year, new resolutions. I failed almost every one I had last year, lol. But this year I want to succeed (fighting spirit)! So here are my resolutions for 2011:

  1. Keep updating this blog. I've just started so I still have to get used to it and all. Cooping with school and everything else and keep blogging.
  2. Lose weight/fat. This was on my list last year as well, but I failed pretty hard. Let's say I want to lose about 4-5 kg/8.8 lbs or so (if the converter is correct xd)
  3. Try to get as much 8 hours of sleep as I can. It's better for my skin and I also heard that you'll eat more if you don't sleep enough so... who knows.
  4. Exercise everyday. This one is actually related to losing weight/fat. I want to try and run for at least 20 min. every school day. And for about 1 hour in the weekends. Of course I'll run slowly, I would die if I had to run fast for so long :')
  5. Apply sun screen every day. Many make-up gurus keep saying you have to apply sun screen, especially if you're treating acne. I still need to buy a good sun screen, because I think the current one I'm using on my face, breaks me out. Shut out the UV-rays!
  6. I want to sew some clothes. Lol, I don't know if this is influenced by my sister, but I do want to make some simple clothes/things, if I can succeed. 
  7. Don't slack off so much! Oh gosh, I slack off way too fast. And especially now, that I've made my life even busier (hehe, I'm an idiot) I can't afford to slack off, otherwise it'll cost me my sleep.
So this was my (long?) list of resolutions. What are yours? Tell me~ 

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